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"Fresh Call for Total Removal of Nuclear Waste in Bridgeton"

Kevin Killeen of KMOX/CBS St. Louis has interviewed Beyond Nuclear board member Kay Drey regarding the radioactive contamination of the West Lake Landfill:

Eighty-two-year-old Kay Drey says people – and politicians – are forgetting that this is a regional threat to our drinking water.

“…This is in the Missouri River floodplain,” she says. “And the Missouri River is what North St. Louis County drinks and then it flows into the Mississippi River, which is what the city of St. Louis drinks.”

She says there’s been so much noise about landfill odor and controlling the underground fire that people have lost site of the endgame – getting the federal government to dig up the nuclear waste and haul it away from St. Louis County.

Drey says the Missouri Congressional Delegation has become so cozy with Ameren campaign money that it’s afraid to speak out against nuclear waste.

Drey wants voters to demand Congress transfer jurisdiction of the landfill from the EPA to the Army Corps of Engineers so that it can be dug up, hauled off and cleaned up.

“We have to remove these wastes,” she says. “They are effecting the water we drink and the air we breathe, and they are going to effect St. Louis until they are removed and isolated and taken away.”

In March 2015, Beyond Nuclear board member Kay Drey and colleagues in St. Louis published a pamphlet entitled "Remove the radioactive wastes NOW! Protect Metro St. Louis' water and air from West Lake Landfill's radioactive contamination!" It includes a map, showing that the radioactive wastes at West Lake Landfill are upstream of the drinking water intakes for North County and the City of St. Louis, on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. The pamphlet urges readers to "Please go to to sign a letter asking U.S. Senators Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt and Congress members William Lacy Clay and Ann Wagner to work to transfer responsibility for West Lake’s radioactive wastes to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."