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South Korea: Thousands Rally Against Trump's Nuclear War Threats

As reported on Democracy Now!'s morning headline news:

In South Korea, at least 10,000 protesters rallied in the capital Seoul Tuesday, calling on the Trump administration to end its threats of nuclear war against North Korea and calling on the U.S. to cancel the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system. This is Han Chung-mok of the group Act for Peace.

Han Chung-mok: "August 15 is a day when we were freed from Japanese colonial rule. After the liberation, we are supposed to maintain peace as a freed country. But since President Trump took over, he has declared that he was willing to risk a war. Therefore, people of our nation gather here today to call for peace on the Korean Peninsula."

[And see all of DN!'s comprehensive N. Korea-U.S. conflict coverage, here.]