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PDA: Emergency! Tell Trump: "No Nuclear War!"

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) Rapid Response action alert:

We Knew Trump Was Reckless, But This?

Yesterday, Donald Trump threatened nuclear war, shocking his top advisors and alarming the rest of us. As the world is reacting with dismay and resolve, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is taking action on behalf of the vast majority of Americans. We’re calling for sense and sound judgment, not saber rattling regarding North Korea specifically, and war—especially nuclear war—in general. Please stand with us.

Sign the Petition: No Nuclear War!

We’ve drafted a straightforward petition to Donald Trump. It states:

We call upon you to walk back your threats of "fire and fury" which have alarmed your own advisors as well as the people of the world. Renounce any and all threats of a nuclear attack against North Korea immediately, and pledge not to use nuclear weapons against any other nation.

Please sign this petition and share it with your friends and contacts to make yourself heard on this most important life or death issue.

In Solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, and Kim, your PDA National Team