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ReThink News AM Nukes Roundup - This Whole North Korea Thing Is Escalating Quickly

ReThink News sends out an AM Nukes Roundup every week day morning. See the news coverage it has compiled on the escalating nuclear weapons standoff with North Korea, below. And if you'd like to receive the AM Nukes Roundup directly, there is a link to sign up at the bottom of this entry.


Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ Against North Korea if It Endangers U.S.
Peter Baker and Choe Sang-Hun, NYT - August 8

Trump warns NKorea of ‘fire and fury’ as nuke threat worsens
Matthew Pennington and Catherine Lucey, AP - August 8

Trump’s Harsh Language on North Korea Has Little Precedent, Experts Say
Julie Hirschfeld Davis, NYT - August 8

Retired Air Force general: The US could wipe out North Korea in 15 minutes
Alex Lockie, Business Insider - August 8

This Whole North Korea Thing Is Escalating Quickly
Mike Pearl, Vice - August 8

North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say
Joby Warrick, Ellen Nakashima, and Anna Fifield, WaPo - August 8

North Korea to US: if you attack us, we’ll respond with nukes
Jennifer Williams, Vox - August 8

North Korea’s Alarmed Neighbors Consider Deploying Deadlier Weapons
Jonathan Soble and Choe Sang-Hun, NYT - August 8

North Korea is fast approaching Trump’s red line
Aaron Blake, WaPo - August 8


GOP senator: Trump needs Congress to approve strike on North Korea
Olivia Beavers, The Hill - August 8

Here’s what a war between North Korea and the USA could do to the global economy
Will Martin, Business Insider - August 8

Trump wanted to ‘negotiate like crazy’ with North Korea — in 1999
Chris Perez, NY Post - August 8

Donald Trump Explained Exactly How He’d Handle North Korea Back In 1999
Ed Mazza, HuffPost - August 9

Trump could disrupt careful diplomatic messaging on North Korea
Nicole Gaouette, CNN - August 9

Trump is not helping the situation': Lawmakers throw cold water on Trump's fiery warning to North Korea
David Choi, Business Insider - August 8

McCain takes exception to Trump remarks
John Bowden, The Hill - August 8

Right and Left React to the Tensions With North Korea
Anna Dubenko, NYT - August 8

The Threat From North Korea: Indiana's Senior Senator Joe Donnelly on Military Strength
Chris Davis, WIBC - August 9

Trump’s North Korea strategy: A lot like Obama’s
Jaqueline Klimas, Politico - August 8

Germany urges 'restraint' from North Korea, Trump
World Bulletin - August 8

Tillerson visits Thailand, Malaysia to firm up relations
Eileen Ng and Kaweewit Kaewjinda, AP - August 8


CNN Poll: Two-thirds see North Korea as a very serious threat
Jennifer Agiesta, CNN Polling Director - August 9

Poll: Americans uneasy about North Korea nuclear situation
Diamond Naga Siu, Politico - August 8

Poll: Americans uneasy about North Korea, doubt Trump's ability to handle situation
Pete Grieve, CNN - August 8


Why North Korea threatened Guam, the tiny U.S. territory with big military power
Alex Horton, WaPo - August 9

The State Of North Korea's Nuclear Arsenal
Mary Lousie Kelly, NPR's Morning Edition - August 9

Tough Talk From the U.S. and North Korea: What You Should Know
Russell Goldman, NYT - August 9

North Korea, U.S. timeline: 13 days of increasing tension
Jessica Durando, USA TODAY - August 8

5 quick thoughts on North Korea's "dangerous game"
Mike Allen, Axios - August 9

President Trump Moves Doomsday Clock to Half Past 'Oh My God'
Rhett Jones, Gizmodo - August 8

24 Tweets On Nuclear War To Help You Laugh Through This Anxiety
Carla Herreria, HuffPost - August 9

U.S. Stock Index Futures Drop Amid Mounting North Korea Tensions
Albertina Torsoli, Bloomberg - August 9

Hours before Trump threatened nuclear war, White House adviser said North Korea isn’t a real threat
Melanie Schmidt, Think Progress - August 9

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