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Nuclear Age Peace Foundation: Tell Congress to act now to prevent nuclear catastrophe

Action alert from Rick Wayman, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation:

This may be the most dangerous time in human history. The Roman emperor Nero is remembered for having fiddled while Rome burned. We may be witnessing the far more dangerous Nuclear Age equivalent to Nero’s fiddling in the form of the nuclear threat exchanges between Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.

Last week, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation penned an Open Letter to members of the U.S. Congress, urging them to act now to prevent nuclear catastrophe. Click here to read the letter and add your name.

As we write in the letter, "There are currently no restraints on the president’s ability to use the insanely powerful weapons in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, including using them in a first-strike attack rationalized as preventive war. To allow this set of conditions to persist would be a perilous, perhaps fatal, abdication of Congressional responsibility, posing severe dangers to the peace and security of the country and world."