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Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World, et al., open letter to the people of Japan, plus atomic bombing commemoration event

From Mari Inoue:

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World, Veterans For Peace NYC, and other peace groups in NYC plan to submit an open letter to the Japanese Consulate in early August to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our asks to Japan include: give-up the nuclear umbrella of the US, sign and ratify the TPNW, support the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, and halt its recent decision to release contaminated water from Fukushima into the Pacific.


We are looking for group endorsements from US groups. Please fill out the form (here) by July 25 if your group is interested in being listed as an endorser of the letter. We also accept endorsements from individuals who do not belong to any group or if your group does not endorse the letter.


No Nukes!


Mari Inoue

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World


PS: We also co-organize, on Thursday, August 5 at 9AM Eastern (8AM Central/ 7AM Mountain/ 6AM Pacific/ 10PM Japan), a zoom event (register here) to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Speakers will include youth activists from Hiroshima and Nagasaki; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation atomic bomb survivors; and a young Fukushima evacuee. We will also have music and songs from Hiroshima and New York. Please join us if you can.