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List of actions organized by WILPF branches to commemorate Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings

As shared by Ellen Thomas (WILPF is short for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, a 100+ year old organization):

Dear DISARMers
Please forward the [linked PDF] file and this email to your friends and relatives so they can be planning how to commemorate the 76th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (6th and 9th August). There will be many events and activities all over the USA (and the rest of the world) to commemorate these dreadful bombings and remind us why we spend lots of time and energy to bring about the abolition of nuclear weapons.
I have assembled the information on those events organized by WILPF branches, into the attached WORD file. There are many in-person events on the list and you may find one within driving distance of your home. 
I have also included a link to some of our last year's resource guides that described ways to honor the victims of these bombings, which you can do this year, such as fast, ring bells and add your event to the international peace wave, which will happen again this year, see 
Here is the link to an online calendar where you will find events organized by our sister anti-nuclear organizations:


The national Physicians for Social Responsibility website is hosting a calendar of events all over the USA to commemorate the 76th anniversaries of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, go here   to see the latest list, and to post your event. 


Please send me reports on what you did, with photos, and I will make a summary for the September eNEWS.
Regards from Cherrill Spencer, co-chair of DISARM/End Wars Committee