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Panel to release report on cancer risk: Public comment needed

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Nuclear Radiation and Studies Board (NRSB) will release its Phase I report to the public NEXT Thursday, March 29, 2012. The public has 60 days to comment. The NAS was asked by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to assess the cancer risks around NRC-licensed facilities. Phase two should begin following this report. For more background information on the charge of the Phase I committee see here.

Beyond Nuclear has attended and given comments at some of the meetings held in the Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, DC and Los Angeles areas where the NRC has attempted to minimize exposure risk in its comments, despite science that demonstrates otherwise. The NAS has failed to have a meeting in the Northeast/New England, in effect closing off oral public comment to an area of the United States that has a large number of poorly operating and leaky reactors such as Vermont Yankee and Oyster Creek. Where the committee has hosted meetings, many local concerned citizens have come to speak to the committee, to share the personal and community health experiences of living near nuclear facilities. We will keep you updated on action you can take and will provide final comments to the NAS.