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News coverage of Indian Point license extension hearings

Environmental groups Hudson Riverkeeper and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, as well as the State of New York's Attorney General, have intervened against Entergy Nuclear's bid for 20 year license extensions at Indian Point Units 2 & 3 near New York City. The hearings before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Atomic Safety (sic) and Licensing Board panel (ASLB) have just begun. quoted AG Eric T. Schneiderman as stating " 'The problem is neither Indian Point nor the NRC has demonstrated to New Yorkers that their health and safety will be adequately protected if the plants are relicensed,' state Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman said. 'In the upcoming hearing, my office is committed to holding Indian Point and the NRC fully accountable for making such demonstration before any decision on relicensing is made. New Yorkers deserve nothing less.' "

The publication also quoted Riverkeeper attorney Phillip Musegaas as saying: “The big question is, ‘Has Entergy shown in its application it can safely operate and maintain Indian Point for the next 20 years?’ We don’t think they have.” has reported on this story. (Note related stories about Indian Point, down the left hand column)

In an earlier article, reported that proponent and opponents of Indian Point's 20 year license extension were vying with one another to send a record number of "limited appearance statements" expressing their views to the ASLB. The Indian Point license extension proceeding has already set another record as well, with 10 contentions admitted for hearing.

As reprinted by the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press has also reported on the commencement of the long awaited license extension oral hearings. The Huffington Post ran a longer version of the AP article.

The New York Times has also reported on this story.

The Peekskill Patch has reported that the ASLB hearings will reconvene Oct. 22-24 and Dec. 10-14.

The NRC's press release lists the ten contentions (spearheaded by the State of NY, Riverkeeper, and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater). NRC's blog on the proceeding points out that this is the largest number of contentions admitted for hearing in any license extension proceeding thus far. Since 2000, NRC has rubberstamped 73 atomic reactor 20 year license extensions, denying not a single application.


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