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Over the past 20 years, Entergy has inspected less than half of "highly important," safety-significant pipes and components susceptible to corrosion at Indian Point Units 2 & 3

Riverkeeper reports at its Facebook page:

"Under cross-examination by Riverkeeper attorneys yesterday, Entergy admitted that in 20 years, it had inspected fewer than half of the 8,000 components susceptible to corrosion at the Indian Point nuclear reactors. And these are pipes and other components that Entergy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission agree are "highly important" to the safety of the plant. 

Who knows if those pipes can withstand another 20 years of use, or if they'd fail catastrophically, endangering the 20 million Americans who live in the shadow of the plant. 

How safe and secure does that sound? 

That's just one reason why Riverkeeper--the first to present evidence in the historic NRC hearings that started this week--is arguing that the NRC should close Indian Point as intended when Entergy's licenses expire.

Learn more about our Indian Point relicensing battle:"

In April 2010, Beyond Nuclear's Paul Gunter published a report, Leak First, Fix Later, which described the epidemic of radioactive leaks from underground pipes -- and other systems, structures, and components -- at aging nuclear power plants, including a chapter on Indian Point's leaking high-level radioactive waste storage pools. In August 2010, Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps prepared a backgrounder about leaking high-level radioactive waste storage pools in the U.S., for use on a national speaking tour of Japan organized by Green Action Kyodo. His first stop was Fukushima Daiichi.

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