Important NRC public meeting re: problem-plagued Palisades atomic reactor, Wed., Feb. 29, 6pm EST -- please call-in or attend!
However, it was NRC that -- despite concerted environmental resistance and the "break down phase" status of the plant -- rubberstamped Palisades' 2011 to 2031 license extension in the first place. This more than 40 year old, age-degraded reactor would have been permanently shut down by now, if not for NRC's weakening of safety regulations on reactor pressure vessel embrittlement/pressurized thermal shock risks, and its allowing Entergy to long postpone or even outright cancel major safety repairs and replacement of degraded vital systems, structures, and components, such as the reactor vessel head and the steam generators. NRC has also been complicit in relaxation of fire protections at Palisades, as it has at atomic reactors across the country.
Sept. 25, 2011 incident of "substantial safety significance" (a so-called NRC "yellow finding") involving the near electrocution of an electrician which caused the loss of electrical power to half of the control room
Within just the first minute after the loss of power, the control room went haywire, with 22 separate events related to the electrical fault occurring across the plant, according to an NRC final safety significance determination document timeline. Just an hour later, enough chaos still reigned that both the pressurizer and one of the steam generators had reached 98% and 97% liquid water levels, respectively, each coming within 9 minutes of "going solid" (completely filling with water). This would have meant the loss of control over pressure, the risk of breaking pipes and tubes, and the potential for a "Loss of Coolant Accident" (LOCA) in the core and consequent meltdown. NRC has stated that if operators had made mistakes in their response to the emergency, there would likely have been no time for recovery. This was a very close call to a very significant accident at Palisades, especially considering the degraded state of its reactor pressure vessel and steam generators. Palisades has the most embrittled reactor pressure vessel (RPV) in the country, at risk of fracturing like a hot glass under cold water if the Emergency Core Cooling System is ever activated -- something that came very close to happening on Sept. 25, 2011. A RPV fracture would also lead to a LOCA. In addition, its second, current set of steam generators are also significantly degraded and in need of yet another replacement. Cascading steam generator tube ruptures could also lead to a LOCA. These significant points about this incident have yet to be reported by the news media.
Also on Jan. 15, the Detroit Free Press provided this helpful synopsis of "Recent problems at Palisades," including five unplanned reactor shutdowns in 2011 alone (note that Entergy Nuclear took over ownership and operations at Palisades in 2007, so all these incidents took place on its watch):
"2008: Palisades fails to assess employees' radiation exposure after they handle tools and their radiation monitors show evidence of exposure, leading to a plant downgrade for much of 2009. Later in 2008, five workers are trapped for 90 minutes inside a high-temperature area because of a hatch malfunction. The extent of worker exposure to radiation in the first incident is not clear.
2010: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission downgrades the plant one category for nine months after finding that workers failed in 2009 to detect a neutron absorber had degraded in the fuel pool where spent fuel rods are stored.
Oct. 23, 2010: A supervisor walks off the job in the control room without permission, apparently after an argument, which leads to a violation notice.
May 10, 2011: One of three water pumps that cools hot reactor equipment fails because a worker improperly greased it.
Aug. 9, 2011: A pump fails because of cracking and corrosion, a repeat of a previous event in 2009, causing a shutdown.
Sept. 16, 2011: Water leakage in the reactor's cooling system leads to a shutdown.
Sept. 25, 2011: Work on an electrical breaker causes a loss of power and an automatic shutdown.
Dec. 14-15, 2011: Two main feed pumps trip, leading to a shutdown, because of an apparent problem with a valve. The reason is still under investigation.
Jan. 5, 2012: Entergy shuts down the plant for four days to repair a seal on a control rod mechanism.
Jan. 30, 2012: The NRC plans a major inspection to identify and resolve problems at the plant."
Another close call to a major accident at Palisades, which also garnered front page coverage in the Detroit Free Press in March 2006, took place in Oct. 2005. NRC helped cover up the incident for half a year, claiming it was "not a reportable event." Due to a subcontracted technician improperly setting a crane because he was in a rush to leave for vacation, Palisades experienced a two-day "dangle" of a 107 ton, fully loaded high-level radioactive waste transfer cask above its storage pool, packed full of decades worth of high-level radioactive waste. Worse, Palisades workers, due to their impatience and unfamiliarity with the crane, nearly released the emergency brakes on this "Sword of Damocles." The heavy load could have crashed through the floor of the pool, draining the vital cooling water away. A 1997 study commissioned by NRC reported that such a pool drain down could spark a radioactive waste inferno, which, because pools are not located within radiological containment structures, could cause downwind up to 143,000 latent cancer deaths, 2,700 square miles of agricultural land condemned, and more than $500 billion in economic costs due to evacuation. A backgrounder on this 2005 incident, based upon documents released by NRC under FOIA, is posted online.
Along the same lines, an NRC commissioned study referred to as CRAC-2 (Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences), concealed by NRC until released by U.S. Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) in congressional hearings in 1982, revealed that a major reactor accident and radioactivity release at Palisades would cause 1,000 "Peak Early Fatalities," 7,000 "Peak Early Injuries," and 10,000 "Peak Cancer Deaths," as well as $52.6 billion in property damage. The population has grown since, so casualties would now be worse, and when adjusted for inflation, property damage would now top $117 billion.
Final determination letter dated Feb. 14, 2012
P-7C coupling failure root cause re: 8 9 2011 accident
Plant trip during D-11-2 maintenance root cause re: 9 25 2011 accident
Preliminary yellow finding inspection report, dated 11 29 2011, re: 9 25 2011 accident
Preliminary white finding inspection report, dated 11 29 2011, re: 8 9 2011 accident
Auxiliary feedwater pump final white determination letter dated 1 3 2012, re: 5 10 2011 accident

The Kalamazoo Gazette in southwest Michigan has run an op-ed by Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps in the run up to the NRC meeting, warning against falling for NRC claims of "enhanced inspections" at Palisades being sufficient, given the agency's decades-running safety regulation weakening, and rubberstamp of the 20 year license extension -- the only reasons the age-degraded reactor is still operating.