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Entergy Watch building bridges between communities in the shadows

From left, Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, and VYDA/VCAN's Chris Williams and Jeanette Baer, being "frog marched" in handcuffs into the waiting Wyndham County, VT sheriff's "paddy wagon" for the ride to Brattleboro City Jail. They were arrested on 3/22/12, along with 165 others, during a non-violent civil disobedience action at Entergy's Vernon, VT HQ, to protest the first day of the disputed Vermont Yankee 20 year license extension. Solidarity actions were held at Entergy national HQ in New Orleans, and Entergy Northeast regional HQ in White Plains, NY.Not only do Entergy Nuclear watchdogs continue their resistance to individual of the "dirty dozen" atomic reactors owned/operated by Entergy Nuclear of New Orleans -- from flotillas on the Connecticut River and non-violent civil disobedience actions at Vermont Yankee, to speaking truth to power at Palisades in Michigan -- but bridges are being built between states. For example, Chris Williams of Vermont Citizen Action Network (VCAN) and Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance (VYDA) is traveling to Kalamazoo, Michigan on Thursday, October 11th for a presentation at Western Michigan University, as well as meetings with the media and concerned citizens. Chris will be speaking about the rogue corporation Entergy Nuclear, helping to educate Michiganders -- who live in the shadow of the problem-plagued Palisades atomic reactor -- about Entergy's bad behavior in Vermont. The goal of the visit, co-sponsored by Beyond Nuclear, is to help take steps to build an anti-nuclear movement in Michigan, as powerful as the one in Vermont. Stay tuned to Beyond Nuclear and Entergy Watch allies across the country for more to come!