Indian Point and the Mystery of the Missing Bolts
Missing bolts and “nuclear reactor” are words one generally does not want in the same sentence. However, when more than one quarter of the bolts inside an atomic reactor core go missing, the risk and concern multiply. Listen to this breaking news Fairewinds Energy Education podcast of a formal press conference hosted by Friends of the Earth regarding its Emergency Petition to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Prohibit Restart of Indian Point Unit 2 and Inspect Indian Point Unit 3.
In this press conference you’ll hear Damon Moglen, Sr. Strategic Advisor with Friends of the Earth, Attorney Richard Ayers, Founder of the the Ayers Law Group, Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer with Fairewinds Associates [see photo, above left], and David Freeman, former chair of the NY Power Authority, the prior owner of Indian Point Unit 3, and an advisor to Friends of the Earth.
In addition to the audio recording of the press conference, Fairewinds Energy Education has also posted two reports:
Filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Friends of the Earth's Emergency Petition to Prohibit Restart of Indian Point Unit 2 and Inspect Indian Point Unit 3, May 24, 2016, Friends of the Earth
The Mystery of the Missing Bolts: New York City's Stricken Indian Point Nuclear Plant, May 24, 2016, Friends of the Earth and Fairewinds Associates.
(Gundersen has served as Beyond Nuclear's expert witness in NRC proceedings at the proposed new Fermi 3 reactor in MI, as well as the age-degraded reactors at Palisades, MI and Davis-Besse, OH.)