Waste Transportation

The transportation of radioactive waste already occurs, but will become frequent on our rails, roads and waterways, should irradiated reactor fuel be moved to interim or permanent dump sites.



Nevada seeks court order to require DOE removal of ultra-hazardous, weapons-grade plutonium from state

As posted at the State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office's "What's News?" website:

Updated - Thursday, August 15, 2019

Updated - Friday, August 16, 2019

Las Vegas Sun - Nevada will seek new court order to remove plutonium - By Scott Sonner, Associated Press

[The U.S. Dept. of Energy secretly shipped the ultra-hazardous, weapons-grade plutonium from Savannah River Site, South Carolina to the Nevada National Security Site -- formerly called the Nevada (nuclear weapons) Test Site -- while perpetrating a fraud on the state, as well as the federal courts -- pretending, in bad faith, for months on end that the shipment, had not yet taken place, when in fact it had.]


Gov. Sisolak demands waste shipments to Nevada be stopped


Nevada Congressman Calls For Energy Secretary Rick Perry To Resign


Congressman calls for Rick Perry's resignation after waste controversy, SRS shipments


DOE Was Shipping Potentially Dangerous Nuclear Waste To Nevada Site For Years

Energy officials told Gov. Steve Sisolak that the Nevada National Security Site received shipments from 2013 to 2018 that could contain “reactive” material.

As reported by HuffPost.

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