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Nevada Democratic U.S. Representatives strive, but fail, to cut Yucca dump funding from FY18 appropriations bill

Thank you to Don Hancock of Southwest Research Information Center of New Mexico for these updates from Capitol Hill:

The Republican majority, U.S. House of Representatives Rules Committee did not allow the Nevada Democrats' amendment to cut out the $90 million in Yucca Mountain funding for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in FY18 (Fiscal Year 2018, which begins October 1, 2017).

The Rules Committee did allow their amendment to delete Section 507 of the bill:
"SEC. 507. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to conduct closure of adjudicatory
functions, technical review, or support activities associated with the Yucca Mountain geologic repository license
application, or for actions that irrevocably remove the possibility that Yucca Mountain may be a repository option in the future."

Since presumably the House will pass the bill this week (since it funds the Pentagon, Military Construction, Congress, and nuclear weapons and water projects), the House will support the $120 million for Yucca Mountain licensing ($90 million for DOE and $30 million for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC), but will provide NO funds for consolidated storage (also known as centralized interim storage).

But the amendment to delete Section 507 failed by voice vote last night.

10:11:58 P.M.  H.R. 3219  An amendment, offered by Mr. Kihuen, numbered 55 printed in House Report 115-259 to strike language that would prohibit closure of the Yucca Mountain project.

10:12:01 P.M.  H.R. 3219  DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 473, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Kihuen amendment No. 55.

10:20:49 P.M.  H.R. 3219  On agreeing to the Kihuen amendment; Failed by voice vote.