Nevada Balks at Feds’ Plan to Transport Plutonium for Storage Near Vegas and Yucca Mountain
As reported by Paul Roupe at Courthouse News.
The one metric ton of plutonium is weapons-grade. The targeted storage site is the so-called Nevada National Security Site, formerly called the Nevada Test Site.
Full-scale nuclear weapons were detonated at the NTS between 1951 and 1992 (including more than a decade of above-ground testing; one-third of underground tests nonetheless leaked to the atmosphere), resulting in countless cases of disease and death downwind.
The NNSS is located in Newe Sogobia, Western Shoshone Indian land, as acknowledged by the "peace and friendship" Treaty of Ruby Valley, signed by the U.S. government in 1863.
The NNSS is also located near Yucca Mountain, also long targeted -- for the permanent dumping of high-level radioactive waste from both commercial atomic reactors, as well as the DOE nuclear weapons complex.
A major aspect of Nevada's lawsuit challenges the U.S. Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration's lack of transportation safety and security planning, a violation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Additional links re: this story, as posted at the State of NV Agency for Nuclear Project's "What's News" website section:
- Nevada NEPA Lawsuit Challenging DOE/NNSA Proposed Shipment of Plutonium to NNSS
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-13 - Civil Cover Sheet.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - NV v. US - USDC 3-18-cv-00569 - 11.30.18 - DOC 1 - Complaint.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 2 - Motion for Preliminary Injunction Memo of PAs.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-1 - Exhibit A - NNSA's Suppl Analysis Jul 2018.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-2 - Exhibit B - Frasier Affidavit.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-3 - Exhibit C - Halstead Affidavit.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-4 - Exhibit D - Robinson Affidavit.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-5 - Exhibit E - DOE Progress Report.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-6 - Exhibit F - Table E-1.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-7 - Exhibit G - Table E-6.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-8 - Exhibit H - Table E-5.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-9 - Exhibit I - Tables E-8 & E-12.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-10 - Exhibit J - Tables E-13 & E-14.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-11 - Exhibit K - Tables -L-8 & L-9.pdf
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - DOC 1-12 - Exhibit L - GAO Report
Updated - Wednesday, December 05, 2018
- The Nevada Independent News - Nevada comes out punching in lawsuit to stop DOE plan to ship plutonium for storage - By Humberto Sanchez
- WCBD News - Nevada files lawsuit to stop shipment of plutonium from South Carolina plant - By: Tim Renaud
Updated - Tuesday, December 04, 2018
- KTNV Las Vegas - Nevada files lawsuit to stop plutonium shipments to Nevada National Security Site - Joyce Lupiani
- KSNV News3LV - Nevada sues Federal Government to prevent plutonium shipment - Cody Miller
- Bluefield Daily Telegraph - Nevada suing US in bid to block plan for plutonium shipments - By Ken Ritter Associated Press