U.S. House votes 340 to 72 to "Screw Nevada," again -- and perhaps New Mexico and Texas, too, while they're at it!
The biggest vote on nuclear waste policy on the U.S. House floor in 16 years took place this morning.
By a final vote of 340 to 72, the U.S. House of Representatives has just voted in favor of H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018. (16 members did not vote. The preceding link lists how each member voted -- the roll call vote only happened thanks to the intervention of anti-Yucca dump champion, Dina Titus, Democrat of Nevada -- see below.)
(See the May 5, 2018 analysis by Robert J. Halstead, Executive Director of the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects, entitled "Comments on Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018, H.R. 3053, Rules Committee Print 115-69." The analysis helpfully lists several very significant changes to the bill, made in very recent days, by the Rules Committee of the U.S. House. These changes affect such aspects of the legislation as funding mechanisms for the Yucca Mountain dump moving forward. In fact, these changes regarding congressional comittee control over annual appropriations, as opposed to mandatory funding allocations -- as well other exemptions from financial accountability, budgetary trickery, and deficit gimmicks -- is what broke the months-long impasse between House appropriators and authorizers, unfortunately enabling this bill to move forward to a floor vote.)
This bad vote happened, desipte a letter signed by Beyond Nuclear and 166 additional environmental groups nationwide, opposing H.R. 3053, that was delivered to every single U.S. House office earlier this week.
This dangerously bad vote also happened despite not hundreds, but thousands, of constitutent phone calls, emails, faxes, letters, and face-to-face meetings, between concerned citizens and their U.S. Representatives, that have happened in the past days, weeks, months, and year -- as urged and encouraged by Beyond Nuclear action alerts and those of many other groups.
On May 7, 2018, Beyond Nuclear, for example, delivered this letter (.pdf format; .doc format, with functioning hyper-links) to U.S. House offices -- similar to such packages delivered to the U.S. House multiple times over the past 13 months re: H.R. 3053.
One way to look at it is, we (a coaliton of now well over a thousand environmental groups) have been successfully blocking the Yucca dump for at least 31 years. And, despite today's lopsided vote, "we have not yet begun to fight!"
Here are the results for the Dina Titus (Democrat-Nevada) amendment that would have required consent-based siting:
The Titus amendment failed, by a vote of 80-332; 1 RY and 107 DNs. (DN = Democrats voting No; RY = Republicans voting Yes -- noting the members who voted contra-usual, assuming a partisan vote). The one RY was U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV).
This lopsided, bad vote happened, despite a letter, signed by Beyond Nuclear and 35 other environmental groups, urging support for the Titus amendment. (The coalition only had less than five hours, once amendments were revealed, to gather signatures, given how fast the Screw Nevada 2.0 voting process was being rammed through by House Republican Leadership!)
Titus did end up requesting a recorded roll call vote on not only her own amendment, above, but also on the underlying bill, H.R. 3053. There had long been a rumor H.R. 3053 would merely be voice-voted, with no record of how individual members ended up voting.
As reported above, the H.R. 3053 final vote was 340-72, in favor of passage; 5 RNs and 119 DYs (RN = Republicans voting No; DYs = Democrats voting Yes -- again, noting the members who voted contra-usual, assuming a partisan vote). RNs were Justin Amash of MI, Mark Amodei of NV, Rob Bishop of UT, Mia Love of UT, and Thomas Massie of KY.
(To see a transcript of the House floor debate, and votes, from today, see it posted online here. Thanks to Mary Beth Brangan of Ecological Options Network for sharing it with us.)
Folks are encouraged to look up your U.S. Rep.'s vote on the Titus amendment, as well as the overall vote on the underlying base bill, H.R. 3053. If your U.S. Rep. voted in favor of the Titus amendment, in favor of consent-based siting, please thank them for that; conversely, if your U.S. Rep. voted against consent-based siting, by voting against the Titus amendment, please "spank" them for that (register your disapproval and disagreement, as well as disappointment).
Similarly, if your U.S. Rep. voted against the base bill, H.R. 3053, please thank them; if your U.S. Rep. voted in favor of H.R. 3053, to Screw NV, NM, and/or TX, please "spank" them for voting the wrong way.
You can also check to see if highly radioactive waste shipments, by the tens of thousands over decades, by truck and/or train, will travel through your U.S. congressional district. 330 of the 435 U.S. congressional districts, in 44 states, and dozens of major cities, are thus impacted.
Additional U.S. congressional districts would be impacted by potential barge shipments of irradiated nuclear fuel -- on the Great Lakes, rivers, and seacoasts, in many states -- if and when the Yucca Mountain, NV, and/or CISFs in NM and/or TX, open.
You can include information about such high-risk road, rail, and/or waterway shipments in your thanks or "spanks" to your member of the U.S. House of Representatives, depending on how they voted on the Titus amendment, and the base bill (H.R. 3053). And remember, it's not just the 330 congressional districts that would be directly traversed by road and/or rail shipments of highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel, that would be impacted. So too would be downwind and downstream congressional districts, near enough to a severe accident, or intentional attack, involving such a shipment, in the case of a shipping container breach, and release of hazardous radioactivity.
You can look up the contact info. for your U.S. Rep. at this link, in order to register your thanks or "spanks" with them.
In short, the U.S. House of Representatives has thus voted, by a wide margin, to "Screw Nevada, again." The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987, which singled out Yucca Mountain as the only site in the country to be further studied (and targeted) for a national geologic repository for highly radioactive waste disposal, is most popularly known as the "Screw Nevada" bill. Other targeted states, more politically powerful at the time, such as Texas, Washington, New Hampshire, and others, ganged up on Nevada 31 years ago. But Nevada has fought tooth and nail against the unwanted dump ever since. During today's debate on her consent-based siting amendment, Rep. Titus referred to H.R. 3053 as the "Screw Nevada 2.0" bill.
But H.R. 3053 could just as well "Screw Texas" and/or "Screw New Mexico." The bill, if passed into law, would authorize such privately-owned, U.S. Department of Energy-funded (that is, federal taxpayer funded!), so-called "centralized interim storage facilities," (CISFs) or "monitored retrievable storage sites" (MRSs) -- more truthfully described as away from reactor, de facto permanent, surface storage, "parking lot dumps." Waste Control Specialists, LLC (WCS) in Andrews County, west TX, has applied to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to construct and operate a CISF for 40,000 metric tons of commercial irradiated nuclear fuel. Holtec International/Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance (ELEA), halfway between Hobbs and Carlsbad in southeast New Mexico, has applied to NRC to construct and operate an MRS for 100,000 to 173,600 metric tons of commercial irradiated nuclear fuel. (The two "parking lot dumps" are just 40 miles from each other -- thus proposing a "nuclear sacrifice zone" straddling the largely Hispanic, already badly polluted (by fossil fuel and nuclear industries) TX/NM borderlands, an environmental injustice!)
Today's vote went even worse than the May 8, 2002 vote by the U.S. House to override the State of Nevada's veto of the Yucca dump. That vote was 306 in favor of "Screwing Nevada," with 117 opposed.
With all of these congressional votes, to Screw NV and/or TX and/or NM, perhaps they should also have amended the Pledge of Allegiance, to read instead: "...one nation, under God, indivisible -- except when it comes to highly radioactive waste, then it's every state for themselves!"
The silver lining in today's vote, as articulated by U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) during the House floor debate, is that there is no indication whatsoever that the U.S. Senate will take up the bill. Dean Heller of Nevada is the most vulnerable incumbent Republican U.S. Senator in this November's mid-term elections. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and the rest of the U.S. Senate Republican caucus, do not want to lose their razor-thin majority on Election Day. If the Yucca dump issue comes up on the U.S. Senate floor, Sen. Heller could well lose his re-election. So chances are high that McConnell will not let any such bill reach the Senate floor before Election Day.
The day after the election, however, and the entire rest of the "lame duck" session of Congress, could well turn out to be a whole other matter in this regard. Opponents to both the permanent burial dump targeted at Yucca Mountain, NV, as well as CISFs targeted at NM and TX, will thus have to remain vigilant against H.R. 3053, or any other legislation like it, moving in the U.S. Senate, for the foreseeable future!
Food & Water Watch is right (see Update below), we should take nothing for granted. They have already prepared a webform action alert for communicating with your U.S. Senators, in the aftermath of this U.S. House vote. Please take action!
You can also phone your U.S. Senators via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. You can use the same arguments contained in the Beyond Nuclear action alert re: H.R. 3053 in the U.S. House, to educate your U.S. Senators' offices about the risks of targeting NV, NM, and/or TX with permanent or so-called "interim" highly radioactive waste dumps.

The Associated Press has reported on this story.
At its "What's News?" website section, the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects has also posted the following news articles, statements by elected officials, etc., re: today's "Screw Nevada 2.0" vote:
- Governor Brian Sandoval - Letter from Governor Sandoval to members of the House of Representatives, Re: Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018, H.R. 3053
- Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects - State of Nevada Comments on H.R. 3053
- State of Nevada Office of the Governor - Sandoval Statement On H.R. 3053, The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act Of 2018
- Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV1) - Rep. Titus Releases Statement of H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act
- KTVN Reno - House Approves Bill To Revive Nevada Nuclear Waste Dump - Nevada
- Las Vegas Review-Journal - Nevada's congressional group unites against Yucca Mountain bill - Gary Martin
- Las Vegas Sun - Letter to Congress: Nuclear waste repository would hurt businesses in Nevada - Mary Beth Sewald is president and CEO; Michael Bolognini is chairman of the board of trustees; and Hugh Anderson is chairman of government affairs for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce.
- Reno Gazette-Journal - House OKs bill on reviving Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada - Matthew Daly, Associated Press
- CBS News - House moves to revive the mothballed nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain
- House Appropriations Committee - Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2019 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill
- House Committee on Energy and Commerce - The undersigned organizations seek your leadership to ensure that H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018, receives the strong, bipartisan support of the U.S. House of Representatives upon upcoming floor consideration. - Paul Ryan, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives
- House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018--Paying Something for Nothing
- House Committee on Rules - H.R. 3053 - Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018
- House of Representatives - TEXT OF H.R. 3053, NUCLEAR WASTE POLICY AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2018
On the eve of the House vote on H.R. 3053, the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects posted the following lead up links:
- CQ Roll Call - Bipartisan Support for Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Bill – Except in Nevada
- Las Vegas Review-Journal - House expected to OK Yucca Mountain bill, despite opposition - Gary Martin
- Las Vegas Sun - Las Vegas business leaders to House: We stand firm against Yucca Mountain
Please note that the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects maintains a remarkable repository (pun intended) of documentation and information re: the high risks of the Yucca dump proposal, from the geologic unsuitability of the site, and other key technical issues, to the risks of highly radioactive waste transportation, and much more besides!
The State of Nevada stands ready to fight the Yucca dump in NRC licensing proceedings, if need be -- with a record-breaking 200+ technical contentions already admitted for hearing before the proceeding was suspended many years ago, and another 50 or so technical contentions ready to go, based on new info. since.
So too does the NCAC (Native Community Action Council), representing Western Shoshone, Southern Paiute, Goshutes, and other Native American interests in the matter. One NCAC contention is that the U.S. government has no right to dump highly radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain, as the "peace and friendship" Treaty of Ruby Valley signed by the U.S. government in 1863 shows clearly that Yucca Mountain belongs to the Western Shoshone Nation. The dump proponent, the U.S. Department of Energy, cannot show title to either land or water at the site, and for this reason alone, the proposal must not be allowed to continue forward. Another NCAC contention is in regards to the disproportionate impact those living a traditional Native American lifestyle would suffer, downstream from Yucca Mountain dump radioactive releases -- combined with the harm already suffered from nuclear weapons blast radioactive fallout from the Nevada Test Site.

Scott Stapf of the Hastings Group has tweeted:
SCREW TEXAS BILL: In the old days, Congress only did "screw Nevada" legislation on #nuclear waste. Now, they have time to give the proverbial finger to Texas and New Mexico, too. http://ow.ly/GCB330jVQhA #Nevada #Texas #NewMexico #nuclearwaste #YuccaMountain

Wenonah Hauter, Ex. Dir. of Food & Water Watch, issued the following statement:
For Immediate Release – May 10, 2018
Contact: Seth Gladstone – sgladstone@fwwatch.org, 347.778.2866
House Vote to Advance Yucca Mountain Is a Step Toward Nuclear Disaster
Statement of Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food & Water Watch
Washington, D.C. – This morning the House voted to approve H.R. 3053, legislation that would advance plans to develop a vast nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. In response, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter issued the following statement:
“Simply put, today’s House vote is a big step toward nuclear disaster. If built, the Yucca Mountain facility itself would immediately threaten Nevadans. An aquifer lies beneath the site that is utilized for both drinking water and irrigation by many communities. The area is crisscrossed by more than 30 fault lines and lacks fundamental geologic stability. Radioactive leaks triggered by tremors would be catastrophic. Nationwide, more than 50 million Americans in 44 states live near potential rail, road or barge shipping routes to Yucca. All of these people would be threatened by the possibility of accidents turned into nightmare scenarios by radioactive discharge.
“Instead of spending millions more taxpayer dollars on Yucca Mountain, we should begin immediately to halt the production of nuclear waste and transition aggressively towards a future of 100 percent clean, safe, renewable energy in America.”

Tim Judson of NIRS has issued a statement to supporters:
Trump and his cronies have gotten it wrong...AGAIN!
I'm writing with bad news.
This morning the House voted overwhelmingly to pass Illinois Rep. John Shimkus's H.R. 3053 bill, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017. Or as we've been calling it here at NIRS--the Nuclear Waste America bill.
We have to stop this bill in the Senate.
The House passing this bill has grave implications for nuclear waste and vulnerable communities in this country. H.R. 3053 moves us much closer to mass transportation of lethally radioactive waste. Whether headed for Yucca Mountain, Nevada or supposedly “interim” nuclear junkyards, waste will travel via truck, train, and barge through 370 of the 435 congressional districts across the U.S.
The bill restarts the licensing of the unsuitable Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump that is located on sacred Native American land near volcanoes, on high-risk earthquake fault lines, and vital water systems.
And the bill ignores environmental concerns, Native American land rights and sovereignty, states’ rights to protect their residents and natural resources, and attempts to truncate public review in order to force failed, illusory false-solutions on the American people.
It does nothing to make storing and managing nuclear waste less dangerous, wherever it is.
Now, more than ever, we need your support of our Don't Waste America campaign.
We need to mobilize NOW to fight Congress's decision and demand real solutions to our country's nuclear waste problem!
While the House vote on H.R. 3053 is bad news, we can and must stop it in the Senate. And there is still hope that -- with your support -- we can get our nuclear waste problem on the right track.
Please give what you can today--your donation will be matched, dollar for dollar.
Thanks for all you do,
Tim Judson
Executive Director

On Friday, May 11th, the State of NV Agency for Nuclear Projects posted the following addition news coverage of the aftermath of the U.S. House's dangerously bad vote in favor of H.R. 3053:
- KLAS-TV - Urban, rural communities in Nevada split over Congress' Yucca Mountain decision - Patrick Walker
- KSNV News3LV - Nevada promises fight, as House breathes life into Yucca Mountain - Jeff Gillan and Christy Wilcox
- KTNV Las Vegas - History of Yucca Mountain | 1982-2018 - Joyce Lupiani
- KTNV Las Vegas - House approves bill on Nevada's Yucca Mountain
- KTNV Las Vegas - Yucca Mountain vote reignites decades-long battle - Tom George
- KVVU FOX5 Las Vegas, NV - Nevada lawmakers oppose reopening Yucca Mountain to nuclear waste, but rural areas support it
- Nevada Independent - House passes Yucca bill, but its future is uncertain as Heller pledges to stop it in the Senate - Humberto Sanchez
- San Diego Union-Tribune - U.S. House passes bill to restart Yucca Mountain and look for interim sites for nuclear waste - Rob Nikolewski
- KDRV ABC12, Medford OR - Rep. Walden Helps Pass Nuclear Waste Cleanup Bill - Jamie Parfitt
- Tri-City Herald, WA - Out-of-state home for Hanford waste may get new life - Annette Cary
- Albuquerque Journal - Nuclear waste issue divides candidates - Michael Coleman
- Republican Eagle, Red Wing MN - Nuclear waste storage bill passes in U.S. House - Michael Brun
- Chicago Tribune - Zion's effort to shed lakefront nuclear waste backed by U.S. House vote - Frank Abderholden
- Augusta Chronicle - House approves bill to revive Nevada nuclear waste dump; SRS, Plant Vogtle among sites affected
- Patriot Ledger - Bill seeks to prioritize nuclear waste removal at Pilgrim - Neal Simpson
- The Hill - Overnight Energy: House votes to advance Yucca Mountain nuke waste plan | EPA won't reverse danger findings for paint stripping chemical | County sues oil companies over climate - Miranda Green and Timothy Cama
- Utility Dive - House hands off nuclear waste storage bill to Senate - Iulia Gheorghiu
- World Nuclear News - Bipartisan majority for pro-Yucca Mountain bill

More news updates on H.R. 3053 from State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Project's "What's News" page:
Updated - Friday, May 11, 2018
- Beyond Nuclear - U.S. House votes 340 to 72 to "Screw Nevada," again -- and perhaps New Mexico and Texas, too, while they're at it!
- Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) - Cortez Masto, Schumer: We Will Ensure Yucca Remains Dead on Arrival
- Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) - VIDEO: Heller Tells Congress That He'll Block the Yucca Mountain Bill
- Rep. Mark Amodei, (R-NV2) - Amodei Votes Against Licensing for Yucca Mountain
- Rep. Ruben Kihuen (D-NV4) - REP. KIHUEN STATEMENT ON PASSAGE OF H.R. 3053
- Clark County, NV - Commissioners Oppose New Yucca Mountain Bill - Dan Kulin
- Nevada Democrats - As House Republicans Push Forward, Heller Fails on Yucca Mountain
- House Republicans - McMorris Rodgers: "It's Time to Make Yucca Mountain a Reality"
- KLAS-TV - Urban, rural communities in Nevada split over Congress' Yucca Mountain decision - Patrick Walker
- KSNV News3LV - Nevada promises fight, as House breathes life into Yucca Mountain - Jeff Gillan and Christy Wilcox
- KTNV Las Vegas - House approves bill on Nevada's Yucca Mountain
- KTNV Las Vegas - Yucca Mountain vote reignites decades-long battle - Tom George
- KTNV Las Vegas - History of Yucca Mountain | 1982-2018 - Joyce Lupiani
- KVVU FOX5 Las Vegas, NV - Nevada lawmakers oppose reopening Yucca Mountain to nuclear waste, but rural areas support it
- Nevada Independent - House passes Yucca bill, but its future is uncertain as Heller pledges to stop it in the Senate - Humberto Sanchez
- National Journal - Key GOP Senators Want to Abandon Heller on Yucca Mountain
- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA48) - Rohrabacher Invites Energy Secretary Perry to Visit San Onofre
- Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA4) - House Approves Bill to Move Forward on Yucca Mountain
- Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM1) - Rep. Lujan Grisham on Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018
- Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA4) - Scalise Speaks on House Floor in Support of H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act
- Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC3) - Duncan Applauds Passage of Nuclear Waste Storage Legislation
- Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ7) - Lance Delivers: 3,000 Metric Tons of Nuclear Waste One Step Closer To Being Shipped Out Of New Jersey
- Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT2) - Landmark Legislation That Would Remove Nuclear Waste From Local Communities Passes House
- San Diego Union-Tribune - U.S. House passes bill to restart Yucca Mountain and look for interim sites for nuclear waste - Rob Nikolewski
- CBS Sacramento - Tons Of Nuclear Waste Outside Sacramento May Finally Be Removed - Drew Bollea
- Curbed San Francisco - Update: Mark Leno promises 'transparency' at Hunters Point - Adam Brinklow
- KDRV ABC12, Medford OR - Rep. Walden Helps Pass Nuclear Waste Cleanup Bill - Jamie Parfitt
- Tri-City Herald, WA - Out-of-state home for Hanford waste may get new life - Annette Cary

The League of Conservation Voters, as well as its state chapters in Nevada and New Mexico, urged members of congress to vote NO! on H.R. 3053. This makes perfect sense, in that Nevada is targeted by H.R. 3053 for permanent disposal of highly radioactive waste, at Yucca Mountain; and New Mexico is targeted for so-called "centralized interim storage" of irradiated nuclear fuel -- which could become de facto permanent surface storage, if a geologic repository never opens, or cannot hold all of the country's highly radioactive waste.