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Sparks fly at Canadian parliamentary hearings about proposed radioactive waste shipment on Great Lakes

The Sierra Club of Canada and the Canadian Environmental Law Association recently took legal action against the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's Feb. 4th approval of Bruce Power's proposal to ship 16 radioactive steam generators on a single boat from Ontario to Sweden, via the Great Lakes, for so-called "recycling" (that is, contamination of the metal recycling stream with hazardous radioactivity).

Also, hearings were held this week before the Canadian federal House of Commons committee on natural resources -- pitting environmental and First Nations opponents against nuclear establishment proponents of the shipment and "recycling" plan.

All the sparks have generated substantial media coverage, including: "Ottawa to hear Bruce Power: shipment of nuclear waste on Lakes waits" in the Battle Creek Enquirer (Michigan); "Mohawks vow to stop nuclear shipments," Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC, including 2 minute long video news report); "Municipalities raise concerns over nuclear shipment," CTV; "Groups seek to block transport of nuclear generators," CTV; "Green groups urge feds to stop 'nuclear garbage' shipment," The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec, including a video interview with Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility); "Watchdog has meltdown over 'fear-mongering' by antinuke groups," Toronto Star; "CNSC head slams anti-nuclear activists for fear mongering," Toronto Sun; "Low-level nuke waste shipments defended," UPI; "Nuclear Waste Shipment Plan Faces Stiff Opposition: Nuclear power CEO says shipment will be safe but groups cry danger," The Epoch Times; "Towns asked to oppose radioactive waste shipment in seaway," The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec); "Swimming with plutonium," the Montreal Mirror; "Nuclear shipment is expected to go ahead this spring despite opposition!" Seaway News (Cornwall, Canada).