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U.S. Rep. Kildee: "It's time to speak up about Canada's radioactive nuclear waste proposal"

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI)In an op-ed published in the Saginaw News, U.S. Representative Dan Kildee (Democrat from Flint Twp., MI) made one final push for Michiganders (and Michigeese, and Michigoslings) to submit public comments to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, to express opposition to Ontario Power Generation's proposal to dump radioactive waste on the Great Lakes shore.

The deadline for public comment is 11:59pm Eastern on Tuesday, September 1st.

Anyone who would like to submit comments by mail should send them to: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; 22nd Floor, 160 Elgin Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0H3

Email comments can be submitted at:

Kildee has led a resolution in the U.S. House that has garnered 22 co-sponsors thus far, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. He has recently introduced legislation calling for the U.S.-Canada International Joint Commission to undertake a comprehensive review of the "Deep Geologic Repository" (DGR) proposal.