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Kildee on Canadian Nuclear Waste Storage Near Great Lakes

Press Release
Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) issued the following statement today after a Canadian company released new information on its plans to permanently store nuclear waste on the shores of Lake Huron:

“Permanently storing nuclear waste less than a mile from the Great Lakes defies logic and common sense. Nuclear waste remains radioactive for thousands of years and would pose a major risk to our shared water resources. Neither the U.S. nor Canada can afford to jeopardize the health of the Great Lakes.

“In its latest letter, Ontario Power Generation says that storing nuclear waste in Kincardine, on the shores of Lake Huron, would be the most cost-effective for them. While this might be best for Ontario Power Generation’s financial interests, storing nuclear waste so close to the Great Lakes is a threat to our way of life in Michigan. The Great Lakes are an invaluable resource that propel our economy. Millions of jobs and billions of dollars in annual economic revenue are generated by our clean freshwater resources. Our economy and jobs are at risk if the Great Lakes were to ever become contaminated due to a nuclear accident.

“I continue to respectfully ask the Canadian government to reject this site so close to Lake Huron. Surely in the vast land mass that comprises Canada, there must be a better location to bury nuclear waste than on the shores of the Great Lakes.”