





Nuclear Costs

Estimates for new reactor construction costs continue to sky-rocket. Conservative estimates range between $6 and $12 billion per reactor but Standard & Poor's predicts a continued rise. The nuclear power industry is lobbying for heavy federal subsidization including unlimited loan guarantees but the Congressional Budget Office predicts the risk of default will be well over 50 percent, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Beyond Nuclear opposes taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies for the nuclear energy industry.


Entries by admin (618)


Rauner signs Exelon nuclear bailout (and NEIS response)

As reported by AP.

NEIS posted the following comment in response to the AP article, and the passage of the Exelon Nuclear bailout in IL:


If Gov. Rauner really and truly believes that, " closing the plants would have "devastated the two communities,"  then he should have worked to bail out the potentially devastated communities, not the hugely profitable private corporation. 

For over 2 years our organization argued that the State must insist that a "just transitions" program be instituted to protect reactor (and perhaps coal) communities from the withdrawal of "company town" utilities.  Absent such a proactive plan, this "bailout tango" will be repeated in the future when Byron, LaSalle, Dresden and Braidwood start to become "unprofitable" for Exelon.  We spelled out potential funding mechanisms, which are eminently negotiable. We left copies of this plan at the offices of over 40 legislators and state officials, including Governor Rauner's office, Rep. Madigan's office, Sen. Cullerton's office, the AG's office, and numerous individual legislators including Sen. Radogno, the Clean Jobs Bill sponsors, and others.  We personally gave copies to Sen. Chapin Rose, and representatives from the Quad Cities chamber of commerce and City Administrator of Clinton.  We made it part of our testimony before the House and Senate Energy Committees.  We urged that it become a topic of discussion and negotiation in the current legislation. 

No luck.

Evidently. legislators love 6-hour public hearings, and annual bailout proceedings.  It's much easier to pass the bills along to disempowered ratepayers than to engage in responsible governance.  Happy holidays, all.

--David Kraft, Director, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Chicago--


Why Rauner should veto Exelon's bailout

An op-ed has been published by Crain's, written by Dave Lundy, director of the Best Coalition. Best Coalition is described as a diverse group of consumer, business and energy interests.


ACTION ALERT -- IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Tell IL Governor and Legislators Exelon Nuclear Bailout is Outrageous!


There may still be a chance to stop the Exelon Nuclear bailout in IL, for as Utility Dive reports

Tell IL Governor and Legislators and Legislative Leaders that Exelon Nuclear Bailout is Outrageous!

Exelon's $1.6 Billion+ Bailout Poised for Final Passage - Say "NO!" to Nuclear Bailout!
The Exelon Legislation, now going by the number SB 2814 Amendment 2, and the name of "the Future Energy Jobs Bill," is poised for passage.
It is imperative that calls go in to your legislators [IL legislative leaders, and the governor] with the messages below.
What you can do:
1.)    Contact your State Legislators with this message: Simply say NO to Exelon's Nuclear Bailout!
  • NO bailouts for Exelon's aging, money losing reactors
  • Fix the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), once and for all
  • Support community created and controlled jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Enact a "just transitions" program for reactor communities and displaced workers; 
  • Enact strong reactor decommissioning laws
  • Let them know you will remember their vote at the next state elections
To find out who your State Legislators are, click here:
2.)   and also call...
  • Governor Bruce Rauner   (312) 814-2121 
  • House Speaker Michael Madigan   (217) 782-5350 
  • Senate Pres. John Cullerton     (773) 883-0770
  • Likewise, let Gov. Rauner know you will remember his bad deal with Exelon Nuclear at the time of the next gubernatorial election!

If this bailout is stopped, three reactors in IL will be closed: Clinton by June 1, 2017, and Quad Cities 1 & 2 by June 1, 2018.

If this bailout goes through, then those three dirty, dangerous, and expensive reactors will keep operating. This means more high-level radioactive waste generation, and worsening safety risks at these age-degraded, 40+ year old reactors!


Lawmakers end veto session with vote to keep nuke plants open

From today's Midwest Energy News:

NUCLEAR: The Illinois General Assembly passes a wide-reaching energy bill that will provide financial support for two of Exelon’s struggling nuclear plants as well as increase investments in renewable energy and efficiency. (Southern Illinoisan)

Here is the vote count:

The Illinois State House voted 63-38 in support, and the Senate 32-18, of the Future Energy Jobs Bill (S.B. 2814), and Public Citizen expects Governor Bruce Rauner will sign it into law.
The bill will provide about $235 million annually in total to Exelon's 6 existing nuclear plants through a ten-year contract beginning June 1, 2017 - paid for by consumers -  for a total cash value to Exelon of $2.35 billion.
Legal challenges before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by opponents to the nuclear bailout in IL are in the offing, as have already been filed against the nuclear bailout in NY.

Stop the Cuomo Tax! No Nuclear Bailout! Event in New York City on Tues., Dec. 6

Action alert from Stop the Cuomo Tax:

Our mission to Stop the Cuomo Tax has always been about protecting the wallets of hard-working New Yorkers. And with Gov. Cuomo’s annual birthday fundraiser just around the corner, now is a perfect opportunity for us to tell him how we feel about his billion dollar bailout plan.

Join us outside the Longacre Theater on December 6. Let’s send a message that this nuclear bailout must be sent back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, 12/6 at 5:30 pm
The Longacre Theatre
220 W 48th St, New York City


Gov. Cuomo will be cozying up to wealthy donors, lobbyists, and corporate officers during his annual birthday fundraiser in just a few weeks. And at the very same time, he’s proposing to put a $7.6 billion price hike onto the backs of hard-working New Yorkers who can barely afford their electric bills as is.

Join us on Tuesday, December 6 and say ‘NO’ to the Cuomo Tax. take this opportunity to let him know how we feel.

This is a great opportunity to send a message to the governor, and we can't wait to see you all on Tuesday.

Alex Beauchamp
Stop the Cuomo Tax