Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.



Seattle to Divest $3 Billion from Wells Fargo over Dakota Access Pipeline

As reported by Democracy Now! during headline news:

The Seattle City Council has voted unanimously to divest $3 billion from Wells Fargo over the bank’s backing of the Dakota Access pipeline. The divestment legislation was first introduced by Socialist City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant in response to the demand issued by indigenous water protectors that individuals, cities and Native American nations cut ties with Wells Fargo and other banks that are investing in the pipeline. The Muckleshoot Tribe in Seattle, the Nez Perce Tribe in Idaho and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe in Minnesota have all committed to divesting from Wells Fargo.

[See Democracy Now!'s regular coverage of DAPL, and related matter, extending back many months.]



"We are calling for emergency actions all over the world. PLEASE, THIS IS OUR LAST STAND." 

Find a rally happening near you tonight — just select today’s date on the calendar and scroll down to find an event near you.

The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is asking us all to join emergency actions tonight in a "#NODAPL LAST STAND".

Yesterday the US Army Corps gave notice of intent to ditch the environmental impact review and allow the Dakota Access Pipeline to move forward anyway. This is outrageous!

Last Stand

Today Trump said "I haven't had one call" opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline. This after receiving over 100,000 public comments. It's time for us to get louder than ever before.

Whether or not you can rally tonight, our Native American brothers and sisters are also asking everyone to donate to the legal defense of water protectors facing intensifying repression.
Action alert from #GreenForAll, an initiative of The Dreams Corps:


Beyond an urgent moment of protest, tonight's actions are a time to connect to other struggles and think long-term movement building. We are in this for the long haul.

Click here to find a #NoDAPL rally happening near you tonight — just select today’s date on the calendar and scroll down to find an event near you.

In solidarity,

Josh Lynch
Director of Field Strategy, Green For All

P.S. WATCH Green For All Founder Van Jones call this "as big a civil rights moment as you're ever going to see". Read our statement on Trump's recent executive order on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

WORLDWIDE CALL TO ACTION FEB. 8 - Rise With Standing Rock and Indigenous Resistance

Action alert from Indigenous Environmental Network:


FEBRUARY 8, 2017

Join the URGENT Worldwide Call to Action to #RiseWithStandingRock Feb. 8th!




Rise With Standing Rock and Indigenous Resistance

Yesterday, Tuesday February 7, the US Army Corps gave notice of intent to grant the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross the Mni Sose (Missouri River).  They are skipping the Environmental Impact Study ordered in December, and skipping the congressional notification period required by law to push through a destructive, exploitative and illegal pipeline. We knew these attacks on frontline communities were coming and now more than ever we must #GrowTheResistance and take bold action. We stand united with Indigenous Peoples and water protectors.

It Takes Roots (a formation of the Indigenous Environmental Network, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, the Climate Justice Alliance and the Right To The City Alliance) is calling for all our member groups and communities to rise up TODAY FEBRUARY 8th in solidarity with the Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock’s worldwide call for emergency actions “to disrupt business as usual and unleash a global intersectional resistance to fossil fuels and fascism.  Connect with other struggles.  Think long-term movement building.  We are in this for the long haul.”

ALSO JOIN US TOMORROW AT 4-6PM EST FOR A REPORT BACK ON LESSONS & NEXT STEPS FROM #ItTakesRoots to #GrowTheResistance Inauguration Actions! CLICK TO RSVP and Join Us from the Streets!

Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, said
“Donald Trump will not build his Dakota Access Pipeline without a fight. The granting of an easement, without any environmental review or tribal consultation, is not the end of this fight — it is the new beginning. Expect mass resistance far beyond what Trump has seen so far.
“The granting of this easement goes against protocol, it goes against legal process, it disregards more than 100,000 comments already submitted as part of the not-yet-completed environmental review process — all for the sake of Donald Trump’s billionaire big oil cronies. And, it goes against the treaty rights of the entire Seven Councils Fires of the Sioux Nations.”

Check out the call below and take action!


We are calling for emergency actions all over the world. PLEASE, THIS IS OUR LAST STAND.
Please visit to find or register an action wherever you are. Check out our world action map  to join the mass distributed actions TODAY, February 8th.


We encourage groups across the globe to connect our prayers for the water with other fights against fascism and the domination of people and Mother Earth (deportations, muslim ban, attacks on labor, deregulation of wall street, other fossil fuel projects, censorship of the press and academia, etc).
Choose the target that is most strategic for building long-term collaborative resistance in your local area.  Potential targets may include:  city halls, federal buildings, army corps offices, ICE detention centers, banks profiting off DAPL, sheriff's offices that have come to Standing Rock, labor union offices, sites of workplace struggle, etc.
MESSAGING - please amplify and use the messaging put out here by

  • Rise with Standing Rock….against violations of sovereignty, crimes against Mother Earth, fascism, violation of law, etc.
  • Continue to elevate what’s happening on the ground in ND -- demonstrate that this is something serious that resonates to all peoples in the face of Trump administration tyranny. Follow: @IENEarth on twitter and facebook.
  • Support Tribes’ request for TRO (Temporary Restraining Order)/injunction!
  • Resist Trump’s direct attack against indigenous communities with his executive orders re: DAPL & KXL. Indigenous communities are not backing down.
  • Police violence seems inevitable and mass casualties are very likely. The only way to keep people safe is to do the Environmental Impact Study.  If not, any blood spilled is on Trump’s hands and the hands of the Corps.  

The Indigenous Environmental Network  |  PO Box 485  |  Bemidji, MN 56619  |


Emergency rally TODAY: fight DAPL & Trump

Akilah Sanders-Reed, Power Shift Network, has sent out the following action alert:

We need you to stand up against the Dakota Access Pipeline today.

Two weeks ago, Trump signed two dangerous executive orders paving the way for approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. And yesterday, Trump’s Army Corps of Engineers announced they would allow the final leg of the Dakota Access oil pipeline to be built—a reversal of their decision under President Obama to halt the permits for the pipeline.[1]

Then, Trump even had the audacity to say this yesterday: “I don’t even think it was controversial...I haven't had one call from anybody.”[2]

My hunch is that if Trump really hasn’t had “one call,” it’s because he shut down the White House comment line.[3] So since he’s not taking calls, let’s prove him wrong by taking to the streets.

TODAY in DC, show Trump just how “controversial” this dirty pipeline is by coming to an  emergency rally at the White House at 5:00 today. Click here to RSVP to the rally on Facebook.

Here are the details for today’s emergency rally:

What: Emergency rally to protest Trump’s unjust approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline

Who: Speakers will include some of the Indigenous leaders who have been fighting this pipeline since the beginning, including Eryn Wise from the International Indigenous Youth Council and Linda Black Elk from the NoDAPL Medic and Healer Council.

Where: Lafayette Square, just north of the White House.

When: TODAY, Wednesday, February 8th, at 5:00 PM.

The stakes for the Dakota Access Pipeline fight have never been higher, and we need people in the streets. Click here to RSVP for tonight’s #NoDAPL emergency rally on Facebook.

We all know Donald Trump has long wanted to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. And it’s no wonder: he personally invested in this pipeline[4], and the CEO of the company building it donated more than $100,000 to Trump’s campaign.[5]

We know where Trump stands. Now it’s time we showed him where the people stand. If Trump wants to build this pipeline, he has to go through us. See you in the streets!


Akilah and the Power Shift Network team

PS: Can’t make it in person tonight? You can still increase the impact of our action by spreading the word on social media—check the Facebook event page later for a link to a livestream, and follow #noDAPL on Twitter. And keep an eye out, because there will be many more opportunities to take action. We’re not going anywhere!


More information:

[1] “US army 'to grant Dakota Access Pipeline permit' after Donald Trump signs executive order,” The Independent

[2] “Donald Trump: ‘I haven’t had one call’ complaining about Dakota Access Pipeline,” The Independent

[3] “Trump Shut Down White House Comment Line, So This Tool Lets You Call One of His Businesses to Complain,” Common Dreams

[4] “Trump Supports Dakota Access Pipeline. Did We Mention He’s Invested In It?” Huffington Post

[5] “Top executive behind Dakota Access has donated more than $100,000 to Trump,” Reuters

BREAKING: Army Corps greenlights DAPL. Take action now!

Action alert from League of Conservation Voters (LCV):

Sign the petition: Tell the Army Corps to complete the Environmental Impact Assessment on the Dakota Access Pipeline »

Late yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced they will issue a permit to start construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline by drilling under Lake Oahu.

The Water Protectors are saying this is their last stand. Once the drilling starts, the water of the whole Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the 17 million people downstream will be endangered. We must act IMMEDIATELY.

The Army Corps is accepting public comments on the Dakota Access Pipeline until February 20. Now is our chance to make our voices heard!

Together, we can be so loud that the Army Corps will have to complete an Environmental Impact Study and keep their word to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation.

Don’t allow this pipeline to be built! Tell the Army Corps of Engineers to keep their word and finish the Environmental Impact Assessment »


The Trump administration is set to greenlight the Dakota Access Pipeline despite the Army Corps of Engineers never completing a full Environmental Impact Statement.

Those at Sacred Stone Camp are asking for everyone to come out and act. This is our last stand.


Reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and pushing forward the Dakota Access Pipeline were among Trump’s very first executive actions. The Army Corps was directed to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement by President Obama in December, but now they have changed course completely. This is unacceptable!

The Standing Rock Sioux have vowed to fight this in court and will hopefully get an injunction against this action. It is our job now, as those who stand with Standing Rock and the Water Protectors, to speak out. We need to get as many of our friends, family, and neighbors to leaves public comments as well. Government agencies pay attention to the number of comments they get, as they often don’t speak to the public everyday as part of their work.

The Army Corps has an obligation as a federal agency to conduct a full environmental review. Let’s remind them of their duty. We will deliver your comments in person to the Office of the Army Corps of Engineers here in DC.

The Environmental Impact Study must be done. Tell the Army Corps: don’t turn your back on your federal duty »

Spread the word about this to everyone you can! The Water Protectors need us.

Thank you for all you do.

Yours in Resistance,

Yazmin Khan
Digital Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters

1920 L Street, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

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