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LA City Council tells NRC to put the brakes on San Onofre restart

A unanimous Los Angeles City Council has demanded the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conduct extended investigations before any restart at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Writes Harvey Wasserman: "On April 23, Los Angeles’ 11 city council members approved a resolution directing the NRC to “make no decision about restarting either San Onofre unit” until it conducts a “prudent, transparent and precautionary” investigation. The city wants “ample opportunity” for public comment and confirmation that “mandated repairs, replacements or other actions” have been completed to guarantee the public safety." There is intense opposition to the re-start of the San Onofre reactors after faulty steam generators were installed at the plant and tubes began to spring leaks. San Onofre 2 and 3 have been shuttered since January 2012. San Onofre 1 is permanently closed.