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NAC-LWT: Poor QA Compliance, 2015-2016

The following documents, posted at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ADAMS data base (Agency-wide Documents Access and Management System), show the poor compliance with Quality Assurance (QA) standards exhibited by Nuclear Assurance Corporation's (NAC) so-called Legal Weight Truck (LWT) transport containers for irradiated nuclear fuel, and other highly radioactive waste.

In addition to solid irradiated nuclear fuel (also called solid irradiated target material), bound from Chalk River Lab, Ontario, Canada for Savannah River Site, South Carolina, U.S.A., remarkably the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed to use jury-rigged NAC-LWT shipping containers (designed for solid irradiated nuclear fuel) to transport highly radioactive liquid wastes (also called liquid irradiated target material, or HEUNL, short for highly enriched uranyl nitrate liquid) from Chalk River to SRS.

The 100 to 150 highly radioactive liquid waste truck shipments are unprecedented and very high-risk. They would travel more than 1,000 miles from Chalk River to SRS. They would most likely cross the international border at Buffalo and/or Thousand Islands, New York, although other border crossing points are possible.

NAC-LWT: Poor QA Compliance, 2015-2016: