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Iroquois Caucus - Anishinabek issue joint statement, letter to Prime Minister (opposing truck shipments of highly radiocative liquid waste from Chalk River, Ontario to SRS, South Carolina)

News conveyed by Dr. Gordon Edwards, President, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility:


Below are some clear and dignified statements issued on April 21, 2017, by a newly kindled partnership of First Nations leaders in Ontario, on the topic of long-term nuclear waste management and the ill-advised and cunnecessary transport of radioactive cargo over public roads and bridges impinging on traditional lands.
The Chiefs and Grand Chiefs have articulated their firm and unequivocal opposition to the planned shipments of highly radioactive liquid from Chalk River to South Carolina, insisting that such liquid be down-blended and solidified on-site at Chalk River, thereby eliminating any rationale for transporting the dangerous liquid. 
The First Nations leaders have declared their grave concern over the alarming initiatives by the Canadian nuclear establishment to obtain prompt government approval for the eventual abandonment of long-lived radioactive wastes beside major water bodies — close to the shores of Lake Huron (the Kincardine Deep Underground Dump), a short distance from Lake Ontario (the proposed nuclear waste mound at Port Hope, Ontario), and within one kilometre of the Ottawa River (the mega-dump now proposed for Chalk River, Ontario).
These topics were discussed during ten hours of meetings in Toronto, on two separate occasions, involving some of the most powerful and respected chiefs of the Iroquois Caucus and the Anishinabek Nation. The leaders in attendance represent huindreds of thousands of First Nation people throughout Ontario. They have agreed to join forces on these issues and to empower their youth to adopt nuclear waste issues as a First Nations priority in the coming years.
Gordon Edwards.
