Mobile Chernobyl House bill moves to full Energy & Commerce Committee! Contact your U.S. Rep.!

Many states in the Lower 48/Continental U.S. would be impacted by trucks, trains, and/or barges carrying commercial high-level radioactive waste to NM, NV, and/or TX. Emails, phone calls, and/or faxes to U.S. Representatives are urgently needed. Please read on, or skip to the TAKE ACTION section below...
Note that the heart of many major cities would be hard hit, with rail and/or truck routes passing though large population centers (map again provided by State of NV Agency for Nuclear Projects, in context of Yucca-bound shipments).
In addition, there is also the potential for irradiated nuclear fuel barge shipments on surface waters across the country, from the Great Lakes, to rivers, to sea coasts. Check out these backgrounders for maps and shipment numbers (published by the Department of Energy in its Yucca dump Final Environmental Impact Statement in Feb. 2002), as well as for info. on the high risks involved:
- NIRS factsheets on barge shipments of deadly high-level radioactive waste on waterways by state (September 28, 2004):
- MD - Chesapeake Bay
- VA - James River
- DE - Delaware Bay
- NJ, NY, CT - Waters Surrounding New York City
- MA - Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts Bay, and Boston Harbor
- IL, MI, WI - Lake Michigan
- LA, MS - Mississippi River
- TN, AL - Tennessee River
- NE, KS, MO - Missouri River
- CA - California Coast
- FL - Florida’s Atlantic Coastline
- MD - Chesapeake Bay
Please urge your U.S. Representative to oppose H.R.___, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017, and to urge all their colleagues on the full U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, and the full House of Representatives, on both sides of the aisle, to do the same! (Note that the bill is so half-baked, and ill-considered, it still doesn't even have an H.R. bill number yet! And yet, Rep. Shimkus rammed it through mark up, and passed it through the subcommittee, and has now sent it on to the full committee for a vote!)
Thanks for taking action, and please spread the word!
Additional background info.
As revealed in this Beyond Nuclear press release, subcommittee chairman Shimkus, who is advocating this bill to open the Yucca dump, as well as surface parking lot storage in TX and/or NM, is quite unfamiliar with irradiated nuclear fuel rail routes through the Chicago area, in his home state of IL. He has also inappropriately downplayed the security risks of such shipments, specifically the risk of an attack by terrorists using shoulder-fired, tripod-fired, or vehicle-mounted, anti-tank missiles, such as TOWs, all too available on the international black market. See the full Beyond Nuclear post about the October 1, 2015 Shimkus hearing, at which we were invited (by Ranking Democrat Tonko) to testify, here.