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MOBILE CHERNOBYLS: The Environmental Justice burden

Mustafa Ali, former head of Environmental Justice (EJ) at the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency, has spoken on Democracy Now! about the EJ burden of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) shipments, on communities who live near the road, rail, and waterway routes. Unsurprisingly, the dumps Mobile Chernobyls would be bound for (Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities in NM and TX, and Yucca Mountain, NV, on Western Shoshone land), are themselves environmentally unjust. Our radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, will present on this at the annual meeting of the Alliance to Halt Fermi 3 in southeast MI, on Sunday, October 4, at 2pm Eastern. A panel of local EJ activists will join him. Find the Zoom and call-in instructions here.