




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.



No, Wind Farms Aren’t the Main Cause of the Texas Blackouts

The state’s widespread electricity failure was largely caused by freezing natural gas pipelines. That didn’t stop advocates for fossil fuels from trying to shift blame.

As reported by the New York Times.


Fossil Fuel Apologists Crafted Lies Now Heard on Fox, Blaming Wind Power for Texas Blackouts

Republicans failed to ensure that the Texas power grid could withstand a cold snap, so the party’s broadcast arm recycled lies about wind energy to deflect blame on to Democrats.

As reported by Robert Mackey in The Intercept.


U.S. coal production hit its lowest point in last four decades 

As reported by the Washington Post:

[A]ided in part by subsidies put in place by the Obama administration during the last economic recession, operators of wind turbines and solar panels have been able to lower costs to the point of being competitive with coal. 

The country is projected this year to get more power from renewable energy than from coal for the first time, according to the Energy Information Administration. Last year, coal made up about a quarter of U.S. power generation.


This is New Jersey's plan to become 'the Houston of American offshore wind'

As reported by the Washington Post.

Ironically enough, the new port and wind power components fabrication, turbine assembly, and deployment complex, is to be located at Artificial Island, NJ, near Wilmington, DE.

Artificial Island is already "home" to three large-scale atomic reactors, Salem Units 1 and 2, and Hope Creek.

So-called "routine" radiation releases, as well as the potential for catastrophic releases of hazardous radioactivity, will pose a continual risk to the new wind power complex and port. In fact, those risks will only increase over time, as the three operating reactors "sail" ever deeper into the "uncharted waters" of age-related degradation/breakdown phase risk.


In a First, Renewable Energy Is Poised to Eclipse Coal in U.S.

The coronavirus has pushed the coal industry to once-unthinkable lows, and the consequences for climate change are big.

As reported by the New York Times.

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