




The Update

The Update is the Beyond Nuclear video news update page, where we feature short commentaries on breaking news of interest. Contributors to The Update are members of the Beyond Nuclear staff, along with invited experts. 



UK increases its nuclear weapons cap

The UK government is proposing to add 80 new warheads to its already large and unnecessary nuclear weapons arsenal. On the same day of the announcement, it gave NHS workers an insulting 1% pay rise. What the country needs is an injection of funds into essential social services, not a boon for the weapons manufacturers and a needless expense on the mythical notion of "deterrence". The move is also a violation of Article VI of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which directs nuclear nation signatories to move toward disarmament. And it's out of step with the rest of the world as even the US and Russia agree on new START while the UN also ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.


Why Bill Gates is wrong about nuclear power

Bill Gates wants to spend $2 billion + on new nuclear plants, claiming it's the "only" way to solve climate change. But in reality, he will only make climate change worse by redirecting dollars -- that would have lowered more carbon emissions by bringing on faster, cheaper renewables now -- to slow, expensive nuclear plants that could take a decade or more to show up and will never be produced in enough numbers or in time to help the climate crisis, or the world's poor, as Gates's company TerraPower erroneously claims.


Fukushima at 10

Land not decontaminated, evacuees forced back into high radiation zones and the site too "hot" and overwhelmed by drums of radioactive water: it's a mess that even a "sophisticated" country like Japan does not have under control, even 10 years after the nuclear disaster first began.


How nuclear power made climate change worse

This is a pre-recording of a talk given to Helensburgh, Scotland, CND on January 31, 2021.


The Update: Trump the worst reminder of the danger in possessing nuclear weapons