






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries by admin (430)


From Voice of America to Voice of Russia, Beyond Nuclear speaks out against nuclear safety risks

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps was interviewed by both Voice of America as well as Voice of Russia on the very same day recently. Voice of America asked about both flood risks to nuclear power plants in Nebraska, as well as fire risks at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab in New Mexico. Voice of Russia asked about nuclear power safety risks in general, and flooding risks in Nebraska in particular. Kamps was previously interviewed by Voice of America on the first day of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe as well. He was also interviewed by Voice of America a few days into the catastrophe, about the risks of 23 operating reactors in the U.S. that share the identical design as Fukushima Daiichi Units 1 to 4. Voice of Russia also previously interviewed Kevin, on April 11th; he and Takoma Park, Maryland Nuclear-Free Zone Committee member Bob Rinne debated a nuclear engineering professor, Igor Strakovsky, from George Washington University about the safety risks of nuclear power.


New petition to protect Fukushima children against radioactivity

Aileen Mioko Smith, director of Green Action Japan, has just announced an opportunity for individuals and organizations across the world to sign a petition demanding increased protection for the children of Fukushima against the clear and present danger from the Daiichi nuclear power plant's ongoing releases of hazardous radioactivity. To read and sign the petition, go to the Green Action Fukushima Updates website.


"Truly shocking" collusion between U.K. govt. agencies and nuclear industry to downplay Fukushima catastrophe

The London Guardian newspaper, in an article entitled "Revealed: British government's plan to play down Fukshima," reports that "Internal emails seen by Guardian show PR campaign was launched to protect UK nuclear plans after tsunami in Japan." The internal emails, viewable at the Guardian link above, and other forms of collusion including a meeting, involved various U.K. government agencies, and such French and Japanese nuclear industry firms as Areva, Electricite de France, and Toshiba-Westingthouse.

In the U.S., the Nuclear Regulatory Commission wasted no time in downplaying the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. On March 13th, just two days after the earthquake and tsunami plunged Fukushima Daiichi into station blackout and radioactivity releases and even large-scale hydrogen gas explosions were underway, NRC issued a media release entitled "NRC SEES NO RADIATION AT HARMFUL LEVEL REACHING U.S. FROM DAMAGED JAPANESE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS." Incredibly, this false assurance was applied even to U.S. territories in the Pacific such as Guam and American Somoa, not far distant from Japan, "as the wind blows" and as the ocean currents flow. After NRC Chairman Jaczko communicated this message to Barack Obama in the Oval Office, the President repeated it to the news media and the American people.


German farmers reap $15 million from wind power

Harvesting Clean Energy on Ontario Farms, a new report commissioned by the Heinrich Boell Foundation,

highlights the untapped business opportunities for farmers that can be found in renewable energy. The report will be presented during a tour through the Canadian province of Ontario in partnership with the Climate Action Network Canada, Pembina Institute, and The United Church of Canada. It focuses on numerous benefits of renewable energy, such as rural economic development and improved environmental conditions. It also describes the government policies needed to allow farmers to embrace these benefits.Some farmers in northern Germany make $2.5 million in a good year growing wheat. They make $15 million harvesting the wind, as the Ottawa Citizen reports.


More ingenuity from Germany - 100% renewable electricity 24 hours a day