






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries from March 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020


French nuclear plants tighten hygiene procedures over coronavirus worries


Sellafield nuclear waste site (in U.K.) to close due to coronavirus

Magnox reprocessing plant will begin controlled shutdown after 8% of staff self-isolate

As reported by The Guardian.

The BBC has also reported on this story.


France's EDF to reduce Flamanville nuclear plant staffing over virus


Trump's Chernobyl

Thirty-four years ago in Moscow I watched the government mishandle a disaster. Why does it feel like it was just yesterday?

An Opinion piece in the New York Times, by , a member of the Editorial Board.

[Comment by Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps:

While this Opinion piece makes compelling comparisons between the Chernobyl catastrophe and the coronavirus pandemic, many times when radioactive catastrophes like Chernobyl, and nuclear weapons risks, are used as metaphors, or figures of speech, they do so flippantly, while effectively ignorning or downplaying the actual risks of nuclear dangers. As but a few examples: during the Enron "meltdown" two decades ago, its stocks were described as "radioactive," as in the Washington Post; during the 2008 financial collapse, bundled subprime mortgages gone bad were compared to high-level radioactive waste when described as a "Yucca Mountain repository of bad debt," as on NPR; and radical power plays, breaking norms and traditions in Congress to force a bill or nominee through over minority opposition, are described as "going nuclear" or the "nuclear option," like starting a nuclear war. However, the literal risks and radioactive damage of all things nuclear, whether atomic reactors, radioactive waste, contamination, health impacts, nuclear weapons, etc. are rarely if ever reported by the mainstream media, despite all the metaphorical comparisons, for dramatic effect.]


Beyond Nuclear on RT, re: new Greenpeace report about Fukushima as the 2020 Summer Olympics approach

Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist appeared on RT's "The News with Rick Sanchez."

The Fukushima coverage begins at the 4 minute 45 second mark, and ends at the 11 minute 15 second mark.

Much of the discussion revolves around a new report by Greenpeace International, entitled "Radioactivity on the Move 2020: Recontamination and Weather-related Effects in Fukushima."

Here is the show's write up:

Rick Sanchez: Japan accused of lying about radiation

High levels of radiation in the area around Fukushima, Japan have been discovered at locations intended for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Is the international sporting event in danger? RT America’s Michele Greenstein explains the lasting impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Then Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist at Beyond Nuclear, joins Rick Sanchez to share his expertise.