






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries from April 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011


800 protest Flamanville reactor in France

Marking the 25 years since the Chernobyl catastrophe, Didier and Paulette Anger, of the Normandy anti-nuclear group, CRILAN, organized a rally near the Flamanville nuclear site where a new EPR reactor is under construction. An estimated 800 people rallied near the site, followed by an enormous water truck that activists used, "dousing" symbolic reactor flames with buckets of water.



India protester killed opposed Jaitapur nuclear project

A protester has been killed opposing the massive French nulcear reactor project proposed at Jaitapur, situated in one of the most precious ecosystems in India. The project - made possible by the nuclear Non-Porliferation Treaty-breaking U.S.-India nuclear agreement, has been imposed against the will of villagers, farmers and fishermen who have been staging mass protests for many months. Please consider signing the petition to urge Prithviraj Chavan, Maharashtra Chief Minister, to listen to his people and abandon the EPR nuclear project, which was determined with no democratic process.


At Chernobyl, a warning for Japan

After a horrible piece last week - parroting the misleading "my coal is even more lethal than your nuclear" mantra which the nuclear industry loves (as if any people dying from these deadly industries is OK) - the Washington Post began to redeem itself this morning. A front page story - Chernobyl, a warning for Japan - discusses the scale of disease and the neglect of the liquidators and others around the exploded reactor. The story touches on the level of denial by the Ukrainian authorities that has left its affected population without medical help and compensation. A box accompanying the article details the genetic mutations and shortened lifespans of wildlife in the Chernobyl zone.