






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries from April 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021


Native American Forum on Nuclear Issues, April 26-30


5-Day Speaker Series, April 26 to 30

The Native American Forum on Nuclear Issues focuses on the impacts that nuclear has on Native American communities across the country, including uranium mining and milling, nuclear weapons production and testing, atomic reactor operation, radioactive waste transport and dumping, etc. Join them from 5 to 7pm PT each day (8 to 10pm ET; 7 to 9pm CT; 6 to 8pm MT). Speakers include Winona LaDuke, Steve Newcomb, Carletta Tilousi, Dr. Tommy Rock, Manny Pino, Myron Dewey, Joe Kennedy, and Ian Zabarte. Featured artists and performers include Jack Malotte, Sarah Caligiuri, and Bryan Hudson. This virtual event is brought to you by Native Community Action Council in partnership with Native Americans for Restorative Stewardship. Pre-registration is required for each day's session.



Yablokov warned that a million or more have died from Chernobyl

As Chernobyl's 35th annual commemoration approaches on April 26, 2021, it is important to remember Alexey Yablokov's warning, that nearly a million premature deaths could likely be attributed to the nuclear catastrophe, and that just between the years 1986 to 2004 (there will have been many more deaths since then). See this link for more information: <>.

Yablokov published the shocking figure in his book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. See this link for more information: <>.

Yablokov, an environmental advisor to Russian President Boris Yeltsin, warned at a National Press Club press conference in Washington, D.C., alongside Beyond Nuclear's Cindy Folkers, and Friends of the Earth's Erich Pica, that Fukushima could prove more deadly and harmful than Chernobyl in the end, for such reasons as the population density of Japan exposed to the hazardous radioactivity, the proximity of Fukushima to the ocean, etc. See this link for more information: <>. The press conference had been planned months in advance, to mark the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl -- but as fate would have it, the Fukushima catastrophe began two weeks earlier, so that dominated the discussion.


China to Japanese official: If treated radioactive water from Fukushima is safe, ‘please drink it’


The Case Against Fukushima Releasing Over One Million Metric Tons of Radioactive Wastewater

Beyond Nuclear press release, done in collaboration with the Institute for Public Accuracy.


Fukushima Wastewater Will Be Released Into the Ocean, Japan Says

The government says the plan is the best way to dispose of water used to prevent the ruined nuclear plant’s damaged reactor cores from melting.

As reported by the New York Times.

The New York Times also ran a companion piece, focused on the official international protest of the ocean dumping, as by the neighboring governments of South Korea, China, and Taiwan.

The Washington Post has also reported on this story.

Thom Hartmann interviewed Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps on his national radio show ("Fukushima Nuclear Fish Coming to Your Plate, Happy?"). Here is the write up:

More nuclear waste is about to be released into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima. Where it will be absorbed by plants, eaten by small fish, who are eaten by bigger fish, and concentrated through a process called "bioaccumulation." Pretty soon those fish end up on your plate... Looking forward to a swim off the west coast? Enjoying your fish?

Here is the link to the recording of the interview.

[Corrections: The actual volume of radioactive wastewater to be dumped in the ocean is currently enough to fill around 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools; the dumping is not set to begin until a couple years from now, not before the Tokyo Olympics.]