






Beyond Nuclear has added a new division -- Beyond Nuclear International. Articles covering international nuclear news -- on nuclear power, nuclear weapons and every aspect of the uranium fuel chain -- can now mainly be found on that site. However, we will continue to provide some breaking news on these pages as it arises.


Entries from November 1, 2011 - November 30, 2011


"Lessons of Nuclear Power and the Media," San Francisco, Dec. 3

No Nukes Action invites people to its first educational conference "THE LESSONS OF NUCLEAR POWER AND THE MEDIA" on Saturday, December 3rd at San Francisco State University in California! Since the nuclear reactor accident on March 11th, 2011 in Fukushima, Japan, the world became more alert on issues of radioactive contamination due to the accidents. While mainstream media, governments, corporations, and military institutions are working to cover up the harms of the nuclear military-industrial-complex, people became media by sharing their skills, knowledge, and wisdom to protect themselves. Our speakers will discuss the history of nukes, industry, resistance, and make global pipelines of resistance against nukes among Japan, Korea, Mongolia, California, and New York. The event will be broadcasted on ustream, and will be archived on our conference website ( Speakers include Professor Anthony Hall (Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge), Andrew Philipps, Barbara George (Women's Energy Matters), Donna Gilmore and Marion Pack (San Onofre anti-nukes activists), Kei Sugaoka (former Tepco engineer), Steve Zeltzer (Labor Video Project), Choi Seungkoo (Nuclear-Free Asia, Christian Network for Nuke-Free Earth), and Yuko Tonohira (Todos Somos Japon), with music provided by the Okinawan sanshin band. Beyond Nuclear is a proud endorser of this event. For more information, see the event flyer.


"Nuclear Reaction: Accusations of cancerous fallout divide a small Ontario town"

This article, by Kate Harries, appeared in Toronto-based Walrus Magazine in March 2008. About widespread radioactive contamination in Port Hope, Ontario, from Cameco's (formerly Eldorado's) uranium processing facilities, it provides important updates to Peggy Sanger's 1981 book Blind Faith: The nuclear industry in one small town. Pat McNamara referenced the article in his own 2009 book, Nuclear Genocide in Canada, which contains numerous updates on Port Hope, in addition to its broad overview of nuclear issues across Canada. Port Hope's contamination extends into Lake Ontario itself, source of drinking water for many millions of Americans in New York State, Canadians, and numerous Native American First Nations downstream.


"Nuclear genocide" at Serpent River First Nation, Ontario

Uranium tailings wall at Elliot Lake, Ontario, leaking into the Serpent River watershed. Photo by Robert Del Tredichi.In Part 1 of his book overviewing the Canadian nuclear establishment's history, Nuclear Genocide, Pat McNamara included an essay on the dozen uranium mines, and associated mills and refinery, located near Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada -- adjacent to the Serpent River First Nation. Much of the essay was taken from the book This Is My Homeland, edited by journalist, Serpent River First Nation Member, and Green Party of Canada indigenous peoples affairs spokesperson Lorraine Rekmans. As documented by Gordon Edwards and Robert Del Tredichi's Nuclear Map of Canada, 145.3 million tonnes of radioactive tailings, out of a national Canadian total of 193.2 million tonnes -- a whopping 75% -- are located at the long-shuttered Elliot Lake uranium mines, on the Serpent River watershed which flows into Lake Huron at Georgian Bay. To this day, the Elliot Lake uranium tailings are still the largest source of radium discharges into the Great Lakes, the drinking water supply for 40 million people in the U.S., Canada, and numerous Native American First Nations.


"We left them to die and hoped they would never ask any questions"

Having not been warned about the known hazards, Dene men even slept on the burlap sacks containing uranium and radiumThese powerful words come from Andy Orkin, an Ontario lawyer who worked on behalf of the Deline First Nations people, among the very first indigenous victims of the Atomic Age. Deline, Northwest Territories, Canada is home to a traditional Dene tribe, the only indigenous people on the mighty Great Bear Lake near the Canadian Arctic. Orkin is quoted in Part 1 of Pat McNamara's Nuclear Genocide in Canada. 

The book opens by describing Port Radium, the first uranium mine in Canada, which commenced operations in 1933. Local indigenous men were hired to haul pitchblende, uranium ore containing then-coveted radium, in burlap sacks (see photos at left). Although the Canadian mines department had already alerted the federal government to the hazards, the men of Deline were not warned. They began dying of various cancers -- diseases unknown previously to the tribe -- at an alarming rate, in 1960.

Eventually, the Canadian government admitted the men's exposure to hazardous radioactive materials was to blame, but the "Village of Widows" had long since already figured that out themselves. As nuclear widow Cindy Kenny-Gilday of Deline said:

"This village of young men are the first generation of men in the history of Dene on this lake
to grow up without guidance from their grandfathers, fathers and uncles. This cultural, economic,
spiritual, emotional deprivation impact on the community is a threat to the survival of the one and only
tribe on Great Bear Lake. Itʹs the most vicious example of cultural genocide I have ever seen and it's in my own home."

The Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility has posted a 1998 "Call for a Federal Response to Uranium Deaths in Deline" by the Dene First Nation People of Great Bear Lake.


EDF fined millions & its senior staff sentenced to years in prison for spying on Greenpeace France

Greenpeace International has blogged about the larger implications of a French court's conviction of Electricite de France (EDF) and two its senior staff for "complicity in computer piracy": hiring a private investigator to hack into Greenpeace computers and steal 1,400 documents. The court has fined EDF 1.5 million Euros ($2 million), ordered it to pay 500,000 Euros ($682,000) in damages to Greenpeace France, and an additional 50,000 Euros ($68,200) to the Greenpeace campaigner whose computer was hacked and confidential documents stolen. The court has sentenced two senior EDF officials, and two officials at the private investigation company, to 2-3 years of jail time each, as well as fining three of them thousands of Euros each. World Nuclear News has reported on this story.