Remembering Michael Mariotte
Tributes have been flowing in recognition of the immense contribution to our movement made by Michael Mariotte, who died on May 16 after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer. The Executive Director and then President of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Mariotte was a keenly perceptive observer, savvy public advocate, and thorn in the side of the nuclear industry, its regulators, lobbyists and government lackeys. He was also a leader in efforts to keep nuclear power off the table as a climate change solution. Michael was a fearless, committed campaigner and a compelling and insightful writer who worked almost to his final days on his GreenWorld blog, calling out the corruption and collapse of the nuclear industry.

[Harvey Wasserman's PRN radio show] Solartopia celebrates the amazing life & unmatched activism of the legendary MICHAEL MARIOTTE, a truly one-of-a-kind No Nukes activist, pamphleteer, researcher and strategist who recently passed away from pancreatic cancer.
Michael’s legendary career as a nuke-buster, grassroots organizer, writer, speaker, rock drummer and husband/parent/friend has inspired a whole generation. For decades he has been at the core of fighting the nuke industry in general, with particularly powerful impact at Calvert Cliffs in Maryland, the uranium project in Louisiana he helped defeat, and much much more.
Our tributes begin with MARY OLSON from the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE, which Michael has helped lead since the 1980s. PAUL GUNTER then joins us, along with KEVIN KAMPS, both from BEYOND NUCLEAR.
ALFRED MEYER chimes in from PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY along with BOB BACKUS from the Seabrook fight, ROCHELLE BECKER from Diablo Canyon, TIM JUDSON (the new Executive Director of NIRS), DIANE D’ARRIGO of NIRS, ALLISON FISHER from PUBLIC CITIZEN, attorney DIANE CURREN, Michael’s band-mate and more.
For those of us who knew him, the hole Michael leaves in our movement and in our hearts will be impossible to fill.
There are few greater things one can do to further our power and wellness than what Michael accomplished in his lifetime.
Thank you, brother. We hope you enjoy the show….[Audio Recording]

And a flashback to a 1998 Enviro Close-Up with Michael Mariotte with many message points still relevant today alas.