Anti-nuke activities galore in Washington, D.C., Nov. 10 to 17
Karen Silkwood, Feb. 19, 1946 to Nov. 13, 1974. Nov. 13, 2014 marks the 40th year since her death.November 10th to 17th is shaping up into a very busy week of anti-nuclear activities in the nation's capital! Come if you can (but if you can't, you can still call-in on Nov. 12th--see below)!
Mon., Nov. 10: Lifetime Achievement Award Event and Reception for Michael Mariotte, former Executive Director, and current President, of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Carnegie Institution for Science, 1530 P Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005, 6 to 9pm. For more information, contact Tim Judson or Diane D'Arrigo at NIRS, (301) 270-6477.
Wed., Nov. 12: Oral argument pre-hearings on concrete containment cracking contentions at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's Davis-Besse atomic reactor in northwest Ohio, before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, to be held at NRC HQ in Rockville, Maryland, beginning at 9am sharp. Those wishing to attend in person should arrive 30-minutes early, with valid photo ID, as well as the name and phone number of the NRC contact person. You can also listen-in by phone, by obtaining the call-in numbers from the NRC contact person by Nov. 10th. More info.
Thurs., Nov. 13: The 40 year mark since the death of Karen Silkwood, nuclear whistleblower. Various forms of commemoration will take place at the other anti-nuclear events listed here. The Christic Institute Archives on the Karen Silkwood case are remarkable.
Fri., Nov. 14 to Mon., Nov. 17: Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign summit, strategy session, and lobbying, Chevy Chase, Maryland. More info.
Sun., Nov. 16: "Uranium? Leave It in the Ground!" film screening and discussion, fund raiser for Diné No Nukes and other groups fighting uranium mining and milling. Sponsored by Beyond Nuclear, NIRS, PSR, and SANS. More info.

Dirty, dangerous and expensive nuclear power is not the only form of extreme energy, of course. Our friends and colleagues at Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) have just announced a week of "Beyond Extreme Energy" actions in Washington, D.C. from Nov. 1 to 7, focusing on the many threats from natural gas fracking.
Beyond Nuclear and CCAN have stood in solidarity countless times over the years. As but a few couple examples: Beyond Nuclear has stood with CCAN in favor of offshore wind at the Maryland State House on numerous occasions, has marched with CCAN against the Cove Point LNG export terminal expansion, and has rallied with CCAN on the National Mall and at the White House for climate protection and against Canadian tar sands crude oil pipelines; and for its part, CCAN was a key ally in the victorious campaign to block the Calvert Cliffs 3 reactor in Maryland.