





Nuclear Power

Nuclear power cannot address climate change effectively or in time. Reactors have long, unpredictable construction times are expensive - at least $12 billion or higher per reactor. Furthermore, reactors are sitting-duck targets vulnerable to attack and routinely release - as well as leak - radioactivity. There is so solution to the problem of radioactive waste.


Entries from October 1, 2014 - October 31, 2014


Anti-nuke activities galore in Washington, D.C., Nov. 10 to 17

Karen Silkwood, Feb. 19, 1946 to Nov. 13, 1974. Nov. 13, 2014 marks the 40th year since her death.November 10th to 17th is shaping up into a very busy week of anti-nuclear activities in the nation's capital! Come if you can (but if you can't, you can still call-in on Nov. 12th--see below)!

Mon., Nov. 10: Lifetime Achievement Award Event and Reception for Michael Mariotte, former Executive Director, and current President, of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Carnegie Institution for Science, 1530 P Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005, 6 to 9pm. For more information, contact Tim Judson or Diane D'Arrigo at NIRS, (301) 270-6477.

Wed., Nov. 12: Oral argument pre-hearings on concrete containment cracking contentions at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's Davis-Besse atomic reactor in northwest Ohio, before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, to be held at NRC HQ in Rockville, Maryland, beginning at 9am sharp. Those wishing to attend in person should arrive 30-minutes early, with valid photo ID, as well as the name and phone number of the NRC contact person. You can also listen-in by phone, by obtaining the call-in numbers from the NRC contact person by Nov. 10th. More info.

Thurs., Nov. 13: The 40 year mark since the death of Karen Silkwood, nuclear whistleblower. Various forms of commemoration will take place at the other anti-nuclear events listed here. The Christic Institute Archives on the Karen Silkwood case are remarkable.

Fri., Nov. 14 to Mon., Nov. 17: Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign summit, strategy session, and lobbying, Chevy Chase, Maryland. More info.

Sun., Nov. 16: "Uranium? Leave It in the Ground!" film screening and discussion, fund raiser for Diné No Nukes and other groups fighting uranium mining and milling. Sponsored by Beyond Nuclear, NIRS, PSR, and SANS. More info.


Beyond Nuclear statement regarding NRC Chairman Macfarlane's announced resignation

NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane just announced her resignationBeyond Nuclear has issued the following statement regarding NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane's announced resignation, just a year and a half into her current five-year term:

"Chairman Macfarlane took some principled and important steps toward restoring the NRC’s integrity and upholding its public safety mission statement, but failed to fulfill them.

Unfortunately, the 'go along to get along' strategy is inherently hamstrung, particularly given the many ferocious industry policy fights raging throughout the agency...

Sometimes there is no successful righting of any ship of state after its credibility has sunk just so low..." More.


Return of the Yucca dump zombie?!

Despite hoots and hollers from nuclear industry lobbyists and their friends in Congress, the publication of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump  Safety Evaluation Report volume, entitled "Repository Safety After Permanent Closure," does not herald the dump's resurrection. To the contrary, the State of Nevada, its congressional delegation, and their powerful allies in the U.S. Senate -- backed by a thousand or so environmental groups across the country -- remain adamantly, and tirelessly, committed to preventing the still-cancelled, unfunded, scientifically unsuitable dump-site from ever opening. More.


Coalition presses case against containment cracking at Davis-Besse

An environmental coalition, challenging the proposed 20-year license extension at FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC) Davis-Besse atomic reactor in Oak Harbor, OH on the Lake Erie shore, has filed a defense of its September 3rd and September 8th, 2014 contentions regarding worsening containment cracking.

This comes in response to October 3rd motions, by both FENOC and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff, calling for the NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) panel overseeing the nearly four-year-old License Renewal Application (LRA) proceeding, to dismiss the contentions.

The coalition consists of Beyond Nuclear, Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario, Don't Waste Michigan, and the Green Party of Ohio. It is represented by Toledo-based attorney, Terry Lodge.

The coalition's filing on October 10th marks the third anniversary, to the day, of when severe cracking was first discovered and publicly announced at Davis-Besse, on Oct. 10, 2011 (see photo, above). The environmental coalition filed its first cracking contention in the proceeding a few months later, and has filed many more -- throughout 2012, and on Earth Day this year. However, all have been dismissed by the ASLB, despite many of the coalition's assertions later being acknowledged as correct by FENOC.

Davis-Besse's original 40-year license will expire on Earth Day (April 22nd), 2017. FENOC is seeking a 20-year extension, till 2037. NRC has rubber-stamped 73 such extensions such the year 2000.


REGISTER NOW for the Nuclear-Free Future Summit in D.C., Nov. 14-16 + Lobby Day, Nov. 17

This announcement was circulated by Mary Olson of NIRS:

Please come to our Second Nuclear Free Campaign Summit and Strategy Session

This event is for activists working for a Nuclear-Free Future! Here are the event details:

WHO: Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign and Allied Organizations / Activists
WHAT: National Summit for a Nuclear Free Future 
WHEN: Nov. 14-17, 2014 
WHERE: National 4-H Youth Conference Center, 7100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 20815

If you stay at the venue (see options on the registration page, starting Thursday Nov 14) there is no additional conference fee. For those who find other housing, $25 is the registration fee for Friday night – Sunday. No fee for Friday, Nov 14 daytime sessions on nuclear waste.

If you are interested in the Nuclear Waste Day (see below), Friday Nov 14 convened by NIRS and SRIC please do reply to me (on email)…even if you have previously been in touch with me or Don. There is no additional fee for Friday – and we will provide lunch to all who participate.



To a Day (Friday Nov 14) or a Long Weekend (Nov 14 – 16) With Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Radioactivists Dedicated to a Nuclear Free Carbon Free Future

In the Washington DC Area (4 H Center in Chevy Chase MD)


Friday, November 14th NUCLEAR WASTE DAY

For folks from communities around closed or closing nuclear power reactors (indefinite waste storage) and those targeted with “consolidated storage” of nuclear power waste

coordinated by Nuclear Information and Resource Service & Southwest Research and Information Center

Purpose: To connect with each other & those on the other end of the same hot rods…Registration coming soon at Lodging and food available on site at cost, no additional registration fee.


Saturday, Nov. 15th to Sunday, Nov. 16th*: SUMMIT FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE

with Lobby Day Monday, Nov. 17th, coordinated by Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign

Purpose: Plans and strategies for 2015 to further our work closing old nukes, stopping new nukes, uranium fuel chain front and back end dangers and wastes, environmental justice, stopping the nuclear power attack on renewable energy and efficiency.

[Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, has been invited to co-present on the Nuclear Waste panel during the summit]

[*Also, see Update, immediately below, regarding a "Uranium? Leave It In the Ground!" event Beyond Nuclear is honored to co-sponsor!]

Lodging and food available on site at cost, no registration fee for those who stay at the site; nominal program fee for day-participation only. Registration for the Summit will be via Sierra Club – page coming soon!

Diane D’Arrigo,   /  301-270-6477

Mary Olson,  / 828-252-8409

Tim Judson,  /  301-270-6477