





Nuclear Power

Nuclear power cannot address climate change effectively or in time. Reactors have long, unpredictable construction times are expensive - at least $12 billion or higher per reactor. Furthermore, reactors are sitting-duck targets vulnerable to attack and routinely release - as well as leak - radioactivity. There is so solution to the problem of radioactive waste.



Join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, Philadelphia, PA, July 24th!

Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) has issued an action alert, calling for folks to join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution in Philadelphia, PA on Sunday, July 24th, on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. See the beginning of the NIRS action alert, below, and follow the link to see full action alert, including a tribute to NIRS former long-time executive director, and president, Michael Mariotte, who died on May 16th, after a three-year battle with pancreatic cancer. (Also, see Beyond Nuclear's own tributes to Michael Mariotte, posted at our website.)

Beyond Nuclear has joined in the NIRS-initiated planning for the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, and will take part on July 24th. Beyond Nuclear encourages everyone who can make it, to join in the Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free contingent in Philadelphia on July 24th, as well as at the teach-ins, meetings, gatherings, etc., the day before. If you can't make it, please spread the word widely to those who can.

June 29, 2016

Dear Friends,

We invite you to join us for the next historic safe energy mobilization--the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, July 24 in Philadelphia. You can find more details on the march [as well as a tribute to the life and work of Michael Mariotte, at this link to the complete NIRS action alert.]


Solar-energized Juno to arrive at Jupiter on Independence Day

Investigative journalist Karl Grossman has been watch-dogging nukes in space since the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986.

As Grossman relates in his latest article, "Solar-energized Juno to arrive at Jupiter on Independence Day":

I broke the story 30 years ago about how the next mission of NASA’s ill-fated Challenger shuttle was to involve lofting a plutonium-powered space probe and I have been reporting in articles, books and on television on the nuclear-in-space issue ever since.

Grossman conveys the breakthrough Juno's well timed arrival at Jupiter (July 4th -- America's Independence Day) represents, showing that solar can power not just satellites orbiting Earth, and Mars missions, but also deep space missions.

Even the mainstream media understands the significance:

“A Juno success would be a good sign for future solar-powered missions of all types,” stated [a 2011] Associated Press “NASA going green with solar-powered Jupiter probe” article.

Grossman's article concludes:

In space as on Earth, solar power works.

But, says [Bruce] Gagnon [coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space], “Just like here on Earth there is a tug-of-war going on between those who wish to promote life-giving solar power and those who want nukes. That same battle for nuclear domination is being taken into the heavens by an industry that wants more profit—no matter the consequences. The Global Network will continue to organize around the space nuclear power issue by building a global constituency opposed to the risky and unnecessary nukes in space program.”

With solar-energized Juno’s arrival at Jupiter, this Independence Day should mark a blow for independence from dangerous nuclear power above our heads in space.

Grossman serves on the board of directors of Beyond Nuclear, as well as an advisor to the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.


Entergy FitzPatrick causes oil spill into Great Lakes

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary aerial photo of oil sheen on Lake Ontario caused by Entergy Nuclear's FitzPatrick atomic reactor, visible in backgroundNuclear power is not "emissions-free," as its proponents so often claim. In fact, sometimes it causes oil spills into fresh drinking water supplies...

As reported by the Democrat & Chronicle, Entergy Nuclear's FitzPatrick atomic reactor on the Lake Ontario shoreline in upstate New York just released up to 30 gallons of oil into that drinking water supply, utilized by many millions of people downstream in two countries.

The oil spill was not detected nor announced at first by Entergy, or the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), but rather by a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary air crew, who spotted the visible sheen on Lake Ontario's surface waters (see photo, left). But this is just the latest of many oil spills into fresh surface waters caused by Entergy Nuclear, not to mention other nuclear utilities. More.


Beyond Nuclear on Nuclear Hotseat #260: 5th Anniversary SPECIAL!

Nuclear Hotseat #260:

5th Anniversary SPECIAL! Kevin Kamps, Mary Olson, Don Hancock, More!

Nuclear Hotseat – Now Downloaded in 112 Countries*

To celebrate five years of continuous, weekly production, Nuclear Hotseat revisits some activists and stories we’ve been covering.

Featured Interviews:

Numnutz of the Week:

What in the world is Japan thinking, deciding to pave its roads with radioactive Fukushima waste and rubble?!?

Listen Here


  • *ASTONISHING stats – In one month, Nuclear Hotseat was downloaded in 112 countries on six continents.  And that’s the stats from just ONE syndicator!  (*UCY.TV audit, May 11-June 11, 2016)
  • Funny outtakes from the past year’s recordings – proof that Nuclear Hotseat has, at times, gone to the dogs.
  • Flashbacks to earlier episodes, including the time I made Dr. Helen Caldicott laugh.
  • Testimonials from leading activists on the importance of Nuclear Hotseat to our community and our movement.




Remembering Michael Mariotte

Tributes have been flowing in recognition of the immense contribution to our movement made by Michael Mariotte, who died on May 16 after a long struggle with pancreatic cancer.  The Executive Director and then President of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Mariotte was a keenly perceptive observer, savvy public advocate, and thorn in the side of the nuclear industry, its regulators, lobbyists and government lackeys.  He was also a leader in efforts to keep nuclear power off the table as a climate change solution.  Michael was a fearless, committed campaigner and a compelling and insightful writer who worked almost to his final days on his GreenWorld blog, calling out the corruption and collapse of the nuclear industry.