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Safe and Green Campaign’s statement to the press (re: VY shutdown announcement)

Safe and Green Campaign’s statement to the press (Entergy HQ press conference, 1pm 08/27/13):

It is indeed good news that Entergy is closing Vermont Yankee. If the reactor and the company are in such a dire financial position, we have many concerns. Safe and Green supports immediate shut down and prompt decommissioning of the reactor.

Does yesterday’s report of yet another radioactive spike mean there is something gravely wrong at the reactor that Entergy cannot fix?  Will the reactor be operated safely until the end of 2014, or will Entergy cut corners to save money? SafeStor is a frightening proposition for a corporation that is on such shaky ground financially. Will Entergy be around in 60 years to oversee final decommissioning? Can Entergy meet their financial obligations for decommissioning? Or will Vermont’s taxpayers be burdened with safeguarding tons of radioactive waste on the shore of the Connecticut River?

Yankee has been operating for 17 months without a state Certificate of Public Good, and the Federal court just ruled that our legislators acted deceitfully and do not have the freedom of speech within the Statehouse walls. What happens to these important legal issues? Does Entergy hope these questions will simply go away in light of their announcement?

The Safe and Green Campaign will continue to be vigilant in speaking out and demanding answers to the challenges that lie ahead for those of us who live in the shadow of Vermont Yankee.