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Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance to hold Montpelier rally Sept. 3rd

This from VYDA's Debra Stoleroff:
You must have heard the news by now.  Entergy is closing VT Yankee by the end of 2014!!!! Woohoo!  Yes!!!
BUT… we are not yet out of the woods.  It is critical that we continue our work.  We need to ensure that Entergy safely decommissions  Vermont Yankee with a greenfield AND, that they do not hold Vermont taxpayers with a multi-million (billion?) dollar bill.

to celebrate and to voice our continued concerns 

Tuesday, Sept 3rd
4 –5 pm 
In front of the Vermont Statehouse
State St., Montpelier

We will sing, make speeches, hand out postcards and information sheets!
Sample Messages for signs:
Woohoo! Yes! VT Yankee is closing!
  Entergy safely decommissions  Vermont Yankee with a greenfield 

PSB:  Make sure Entergy does not hold Vermont taxpayers with a multi-million (billion?) dollar bill.