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Freeze our Fukushimas would shut 23 GE Mark Is

There are 23 GE Mark I boiling water reactors operating today in the US. that are basically the identical design to the four units destroyed in Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. A 24th US Mark I is closed but still contains its radioactive waste inventory. They are (unit numbers indicated:
Browns Ferry (AL), 1,2,3; Brunswick (NC) 1,2; Cooper (NE) 1; Dresden (IL) 2,3; Duane Arnold (IA) 1; Fermi (MI) 2; Fitzpatrick (NY) 1; Hatch (GA) 1,2; Hope Creek (NJ) 1; Monticello (MN) 1; Millstone (CT) 1 - permanently closed; Nine Mile Point (NY) 1; Oyster Creek, pictured, (NJ) 1; Peach Bottom (PA) 2,3; Pilgrim (MA) 1; Quad Cities (IL) 1,2; Vermont Yankee (VT) 1.