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Over 1,000 march on Entergy offices in Brattleboro, VT; more than 136 arrested in non-violent civil disobedience

 Associated Press story, which ran regionally and beyond.

The Recorder story, reporting nearly 30 affinity groups crossed the line at Entergy Vermont Yankee HQ, with over 130 arrests for non-violent civil disobedience -- including Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps, part of the Citizens Awareness Network affinity group (see a photo of a cuffed Kevin, bringing up the rear of the CAN affinity group, preceded by Chris Williams and Jeanette Bair, about to be loaded into the Paddy wagon by Windham County Sheriff's deputies for the ride to the Brattleboro City Police Station, where they would spend the next 7 hours before being released). Beyond Nuclear board member Judith Kaufman was also at the day-long rally.

The Commons did a good, detailed write up, describing the waves of affinity groups crossing the line, and the cooperation between police forces and protest organizers and arrested non-violent civil disobedience activists that kept the day -- "One of the largest anti-nuclear protests in the area since the 1980s" -- orderly and incident-free.