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VLLW: "Very Low Level Radioactive Waste" = Very Large Lies, Very Long Lasting

The nuclear power industry and its lapdog regulator (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC), even more toothless under Trump, has invented a new and deceptive name for nuclear power waste, calling it “Very Low Level,” or VLLW. 

The fact is that VLLW is not only Very Long-Lasting Waste, but also extremely dangerous to human health and the environment.

Despite the dangerous nature of VLLW, the NRC wants to 'authorize' regular landfill operators and hazardous waste site operators to dispose of radioactive waste even though they have no provisions to isolate nuclear waste! This would almost certainly result in nuclear waste leaks into our water, air, crops, and communities. We've stopped em before--We need YOU to help stop them again!
50 to 90% of the waste from decommissioning nuclear power reactors plus waste from operations could go to regular local trash landfills!!
ALL of the nuclear power waste except irradiated fuel could go to places without licenses for nuclear!

Individuals can send a letter to NRC and their congressmember by going to the LANDFILLS ALERT on the nirs website under ACTIONS then ALERTS.
The deadline for submitting public comments to NRC is July 20, 2020.

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