




« VICTORY ON TX NUKE WASTE BILL! Thanks for helping stop HB 2692 -- for now | Main | ACTION ALERT! Urge TX State House Members: Vote NO on Bad Radioactive Waste Bill -- HB 2692 could return to House Floor! »

Victory (for now, at least) at the Texas Legislature! Please keep this win in place! More calls and emails are needed - many thanks!

Update and action alert from Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition, dated May 6th at 3:43am ET:

Hi Everyone, Yay! Thanks to your hard work we had a massive victory at the Capitol today on the bad radioactive waste bill, HB 2692 by Landgraf! This is amazing... and the scale of the battle is unprecedented. 
In the process, many Legislators have learned a lot about the risks of bringing radioactive waste here, including safety, security, environmental and financial risks.
We won on a point-of-order written by Rep. Harold Dutton and offered by Speaker Tom Craddick. The bill analysis was found to be wrong, especially in describing the curie limits. It failed to accurately reflect what's in the bill. You can read the original bill analysis here. Unfortunately, we'll have to work to keep this victory in place... 
Rep. Landgraf gets a chance to correct the bill analysis. The bill has been recommitted (sent back) to the Environmental Reg. committee. 
This committees will likely meet ASAP and only have to post notice two hours ahead of time. We won't get to speak in these committee meetings.

TAKE ACTION to KEEP THIS VICTORY IN PLACE! Please call or email these House members and ask them to do vote NO on HB 2692! Those highlighted in yellow deserve thanks for previously voting NO on this bill. Talking points follow the contact information for Legislators.  Amendments cannot improve this seriously flawed bill.Environmental groups remain solidly opposed and oil companies are in alignment with this position. 

Environmental Regulation Committee members to call
Penny Morales Shaw 512-463-0620
Geanie Morrison 512-463-0456
Jay Dean 512-463-0750
Kyle Kacal 512-463-0412
John Kuempel 512-463-0602
Ron Reynolds 512-463-0494
Vikki Goodwin 512-463-0652

Calendars Committee Members to call: 
Dustin Burrows 512-463-0542
Joseph Moody 512-463-0728
Ben Leman 512-463-0600
Cody Harris 512-463-0730
Toni Rose 512-463-0664
Ana Hernandez 512-463-0614
Tom Craddick 512-463-0500
Cole Hefner 512-463-0271
Jared Patterson 512-463-0694
Shelby Slawson 512-463-0628
James Talarico 512-463-0607

  • ·     This bill: Fails to stop deadly high-level radioactive waste from coming to Texas due to loopholes and federal preemption. It’s a nuclear Trojan horse.


  • ·     Massive Giveaways: Governor Abbott vetoed these massive financial giveaways to Waste Control Specialists (WCS) last session and vowed to protect Texas from high-level radioactive waste.


  • ·     Texas could lose over a billion dollars in surcharges on WCS’ low-level radioactive waste imports, revenues that we’ll need to clean up clean up contamination or accidents later. Surcharges from out-of-state companies benefit the Texas economy and should remain in place.


·    Safety regulations would be shredded and an antitrust requirement would be removed. 



Many thanks!  Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition, 512-797-8481