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"Security and safety risks at French nuclear reactors exposed by drones"

Shaun Burnie, senior nuclear campaigner with Greenpeace Germany, has posted a blog regarding the serious risks to safety and security made manifest by the large number of mysterious drone flights over French nuclear facilities and atomic reactors in recent weeks.

Burnie writes:

Of course the implications go way beyond France. Nuclear power technology, conceived, designed and developed from the mid-20th century onwards has run slap bang into a 21st century technology that is capable of inflicting serious damage and potentially causing a major nuclear accident.

Burnie also reports:

Greenpeace has also issued a series of demands and recommendations, including:

  • Closing the gaps in regulation, where the nuclear safety regulator has no responsibility for security despite the fact that it relates directly to safety.
  • That EdF [Electricité de France] should be required to construct hardened bunkers over its spent fuel pools as a matter of urgency, and in the meantime should move as much fuel as possible from the pools into dry cask storage reducing the risks of loss of cooling function at the site.