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Help stop dangerous LIQUID high-level radioactive waste transports from Canada!

An infrared photo of a high-level radioactive waste rail shipment. The high temperature of such shipments, however, is the least of our worries. A severe accident, or attack, involving such a shipment could breach the container, leading to disastrous releases of hazardous radioactivity. This is true for solid irradiated fuel shipments, but all the more so for unprecedented, unanalyzed liquid HLRW truck transports.YOUR URGENT ACTION IS NEEDED to help stop dangerous LIQUID high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) transports from Canada. Despite having done little to no environmental analysis on such unprecedented liquid HLRW shipments, which also contain weapons-usable Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed dozens of truckloads, from Chalk River, Ontario, likely through New York and other eastern U.S. states, bound for Savannah River Site (SRS), South Carolina, in the near future.

TWO actions are needed! (1) Sign your organization onto a letter to New York Governor Cuomo, and (2) Sign your organization onto a resolution drafted by Dr. Gordon Edwards of Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR). Thus far, 66 groups have signed the resolution.

Please reply to Barbara Warren, Executive Director of Citizens' Environmental Coalition at warrenba@msn.com, with your name, title, organization, and email address; tell her whether your organization can support one or both of these actions.

DEADLINE: Tuesday, July 2nd, Close of Business.

Citizens' Environmental Coalition of New York and Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) have drafted this urgent letter to New York Governor Cuomo, asking him to take action in demanding a full environmental review of this unprecedented and dangerous plan. Beyond Nuclear has been happy to endorse it.

As this letter is addressed to the Governor of New York, New York organizations are especially needed, but the more U.S. organizations from any states, the better.

Last April, Beyond Nuclear compiled and posted numerous background documents on this unprecedented, dangerous proposal.