Sample comments you can use to prepare you own, for submission to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). See how to submit public comments, by the May 29, 2018 environmental scoping period deadline, below.
We need to generate a large number of quality comments to NRC, just like we did over a year ago in opposition to a similar Centralized Interim Storage Facility (CISF, a.k.a. MRS, short for Monitored Retrievable Storage site) targeted at Andrews Co., w. TX, just 38 miles from the s.e. NM Holtec/ELEA site.
This week's Beyond Nuclear sample comments are focused on Mobile Chernobyl shipping risks.
Here they are, in PDF format, and in Word (.docx) format.
Feel free to use them in any way that is helpful to you -- including copying them in their entirety. You can also use them to help shape your ideas to express in your own words.
(In future weeks, additional sample comments will be provided by Beyond Nuclear, covering a multiplicity of the multi-faceted high risks of the Holtec/ELEA CISF/MRS proposal. Watch for them, to help you submit your own version to NRC by the deadline!)
See also:
Nuclear Watch New Mexico has posted 2-page and 4-page long sample comments on its No High-Level Waste to New Mexico website section.
Please include “Docket ID NRC–2018– 0052” in your comment submission, such as in the subject line of your e-comments or snail-mailed hard copy comments.
Submit written comments electronically via the Federal Rulemaking website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC–2018–0052, then follow the instructions given there.
Submit written comments via snail mail, by sending them to: May Ma; Office of Administration; Mail Stop: TWFN-7-A60M; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Washington, DC 20555-0001.
Submit verbal comments at NRC public meetings:
A national phone in/webinar for public comments on Wednesday, April 25, from 7-9pm Eastern Time (call-in number/webinar sign-up instructions will be circulated, as soon as NRC provides them; those who live in the Washington, D.C. area could also attend this meeting, to be held at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD, located at 11555 Rockville Pike, to provide verbal comments in person);
Those who live near enough to s.e. NM could provide verbal comments by attending in person (no phone-in or webinar being provided by NRC):
4-7pm Mountain Time, April 30, at Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell Campus, Union Building, Room 110, 48 University Blvd., Roswell, NM;
7-10pm Mountain Time, May 1, at the Lea County Event Center, 5101 N. Lovington Highway, Hobbs, NM;
7-10pm Mountain Time, May 3, at the Eddy County Fire Service, 1400 Commerce St., Carlsbad, NM.