




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries from January 1, 2022 - January 31, 2022


Sample comments you can use to write your own for submission to DOE, opposing CISFs targerted at EJ communities under ruse of "consent-based siting"

These sample comments directly respond to the series of questions asked by DOE in its Federal Register Notice:

Posted here in PDF format.

Posted here in Pages word processing format.


“Consent-Based Siting” of Federal “Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities”
U.S. Department of Energy Request for Information Public Comment Opportunity

Deadline to Submit Public Comments: 5pm ET, Friday, March 4, 2022

Sample Comments You Can Use to Write Your Own
(Comments Can Be Submitted by Individuals, and/or on Behalf of Organizations)

See HOW to submit your comments, here.

Feel free to use the comments however best helps you write and submit your own comments, including simply copying them verbatim.


HOW to submit public comments re: DOE's "consent-based siting" of CISFs RFI

As provided in the U.S. Department of Energy's Request for Information Federal Register Notice, re: "consent-based siting" for so-called Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities:

Response Preparation and Transmittal Instructions

Please submit responses to this RFI electronically to no later than 5:00 p.m. (ET) on March 4, 2022. Please include in the subject line “RFI: Consent-Based Siting and Federal Interim Storage.” Responses must be received by March 4, 2022, for immediate consideration; however, DOE will continue to accept responses after that date and will review as time permits. Responses may be directly emailed or provided as attachments to an email. It is recommended that attachments with file sizes exceeding 25MB be compressed ( i.e., zipped) to ensure message delivery; however, no email shall exceed a total of 45MB, including all attachments. Responses sent as an email attachment must be provided as a Microsoft Word (.docx) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) document.

Please identify your answers by responding to a specific question or topic, if applicable. Please clearly state the specific question to which you are responding. All proprietary and restricted information must be clearly marked. Respondents may answer as many or as few questions as they wish. DOE will not respond to individual submissions. A response to this RFI will not be viewed as a binding commitment to develop or pursue the project or ideas discussed.

Please provide the following information at the start of your response:

  • Community, organization, or company (if applicable)
  • Contact name

• Contact's address, phone number, and email address Start Printed Page 68246

Data collected from this RFI will not be protected from the public view in any way. Individual commentors' names and addresses (including email addresses) received as part of this RFI are part of the public record. DOE plans to post all comment documents received in their entirety at following the close of the public comment period. Any person wishing to have their name, address, email address, or other identifying information withheld from the public record of comment documents must state this request prominently at the beginning of any comment document, or else no redactions will be made.