URGENT! Tell the NRC to Halt Dangerous Nuclear Waste Licensing Tomorrow! OCT 1st 5-8 PM CENTRAL - Your voice is needed!! PLEASE send notice to your lists... we need everyone! THANKS!
Thank you to Karen Hadden of SEED Coalition (Sustainable Energy & Economic Development) in Austin, TX for this comprehensive action alert:
- This deadly waste shouldn’t be shipped across the country to be dumped in the Southwest for decades... perhaps forever.
- Fails to get the waste into a permanent repository
- Could hamper efforts to develop less risky storage systems and permanent disposal
- This waste must be isolated from living things for a million years. Consolidated Interim Storage is a band-aid approach that makes matters worse, not better.
- It would be massive environmental injustice
- Health and safety risks from potential contamination
- Transportation risks - accidents, leaks, sabotage, and even routine transport emissions, which the NRC calls "less than a chest X-ray"
- Impacts to water, air, soil - WCS site is near the Ogallala Aquifer - the nation's largest aquifer
- Financial risks - could cost billions of dollars to remediate contamination
- Lack of a dry cask transfer facility - so there would be no way to repackage cracked or leaking canisters
- The region has temperature extremes, wildfires, intense winds, flooding - not safe for radioactive waste.
- Earthquakes and radioactive waste don't mix
- Impacts to businesses - the Permian Basin region is the largest oil-producing region in the world.
- Heavy trains, train traffic, lack of safety training and equipment, Lack of full-time paid fire departments in many areas.
- Consolidated Interim Storage is ILLEGAL under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.... NRC has no business processing this license application by Waste Control Specialists (WCS) / Interim Storage Partners (ISP) for Texas - or the Holtec application for nearby New Mexico.
- Resolutions opposing nuclear waste dumping and transport have been passed by Dallas, Bexar, Nueces, Midland and El Paso Counties, and the cities of San Antonio, Midland and Denton, plus the Midland Chamber of Commerce. This represents the voices of 5.4 million Texans.
- These inadequate webinars make a mockery of "public meetings". The NRC must schedule real, in-person public meetings after Covid risks are over - in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Midland and Andrews in Texas and along transport routes across the country. The comment period should remain open until this is accomplished.

Here are links to the NRC ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, as well as the related Federal Register Notice:
Environmental Impact Statement

And here is another idea for what more you can do: