




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries from September 1, 2018 - September 30, 2018


Beyond Nuclear Motion for Leave to Reply, and Reply to NRC's staff's, Holtec's, and ISP's Responses, re: CISF proceedings


Anti-nuclear waste tour kicks off in Houston, crossing Texas in opposition to CISFs

Inflatable mock nuke waste cask (English language signage -- the opposite side is in Spanish)As reported by the Texas Tribune, SEED Coalition, Public Citizen, and other Texas environmental allies have launched a mock nuke waste cask tour of the state, in opposition to both the Waste Control Specialists/Interim Storage Partners centralized interim storage facility (CISF) for irradiated nuclear fuel in Andrews County, West Texas, both also the Holtec International/Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance CISF targeted at Southeastern New Mexico. The two CISFs are only 40 miles apart, across the TX/NM border. If either one opened, "Mobile Chernobyl" shipping risks through TX would be significant.

The San Antonio Current has also reported on the mock nuke waste cask tour.

Below is a message from Karen Hadden of SEED Coalition, including a full scheduel for the mock nuke waste cask tour:

[Below] is our Protect Texas from Radioactive Waste Tour schedule.

The threats of nuclear reactor waste coming to our state are very real and it's a big fight. We can win if we all work together!

We appreciate any help in getting the word out and inviting your friends, neighbors and organizational members. (Some changes to the schedule could still occur - but this is our plan! Hopefully the weather cooperates, etc.)  We start in Houston on Sept. 24, and then travel to San Antonio, Dallas, El Paso, Midland and Andrews, wrapping up on Oct. 1st.

The tour is sponsored by SEED Coalition, Public Citizen, Beyond Nuclear and NIRS - Nuclear Information and Resource Services. We're grateful for help from the Sierra Club in putting out the word and to all of our amazing local allies. Our special guest, Kerstin Rudek, will be able to share the successful experiences of her community's fight against radioactive waste in Gorleben Germany.

We look forward to a great time on the road - meeting people and hearing their great ideas on how we can collectively halt the threat of high-level radioactive waste in our state!

More information will be coming soon. We're updating - and more will be coming soon.

Best wishes and thanks for all of your help!

Karen Hadden SEED Coalition


Protect Texas from Radioactive Waste Tour

Please join us at these Texas events!


The Protect Texas from Radioactive Waste Tour will go to major cities across the state with an inflatable full-scale mock radioactive waste transport cask, holding press conferences at railroad crossings where the radioactive waste could travel and hosting community meetings.


Houston   Monday 9/24/18 

  • ·      Public Meeting at 7 pm - True Love Baptist Church, 4029 Falls St.


Houston  Tuesday 9/25/18

  • ·      Press Conference at 10 am - Intersection of Hutchins and Commerce
  • ·      City Council at 1:30 pm – 901 Bagby, City Hall, 2nd floor


San Antonio  Wednesday 9/26/18

  • ·      Press Conference at 2 pm – Alamodome Parking Lot A, near RR tracks
  • ·      Public Meeting at 7 pm – William R. Sinkin EcoCentro, 1802 Main. Ave.


Dallas  Thursday 9/27/18

  • ·      Press Conference at 2 pm - Dallas County Commissioners Court parking lot , by 411 Elm St, behind the building (to the West, near RR tracks)
  • ·      Public Meeting at 6:30 pm – First Unitarian Church, 4015 Normandy Ave. Room 301


El Paso Friday 9/28/18

  • ·      Press Conference at 2 pm – E. Mills Ave., between Ochoa and Virginia Streets (Approximately 728 E. Mills Avenue – at paid parking spaces)
  • ·      Public Meeting at 6:30 pm – Sinbad (Restaurant) 2716 N. Mesa St. 


Midland Saturday 9/30/18

  • ·      Press conference at 2 pm – parking lot of the Rutter & Wilbanks Building (301 S. Main St.) E. side of Main and south side of RR tracks.
  • ·      Public Meeting at 6:30 pm - Casa Lopez,


Andrews Sunday 10/01/18

  • ·      Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church – following 8:30 and 10:30 am services, 201 NE Avenue K

CAN High Level Nuclear Waste Tour in the News

As reported by Citizens Awareness Network on Sept. 25th:

September 18—Montpelier, VT and
September 19—Brattleboro, VT

Anti-nuclear waste rally in Montpelier

Activists oppose potential transport of Vermont Yankee nuclear waste to Texas

Anti-Nuke Groups Concerned About Plans For Vermont Yankee's Radioactive Waste

Activists protest plan to transport nuclear waste to Texas

We made the Daily 7!—Seven Days Vermont

Leona Morgan, Chris Williams, Kerstin Rudek, Deb Katz, and Tim Judson in Montpelier, VT

September 20—Greenfield, MA
Activists rally against nuclear waste transport
The Wildcat O'Halloran Band with Bob Stannard at Hawks and Reed in Greenfield

September 21—Boston, MA
Environmental group raises concerns over transport of nuclear waste

September 22—Plymouth and Hingham, MA
at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church
Read more on our blog and on Facebook.

Thank you!
Putting this tour together is a lot of work! We are so thankful for the people and organizations who helped us to make this happen, from the rehab of the cask, to the people who'll give us food and a place to sleep on the tour, to the speakers who coming in from far and near, and the hosts for the events, our sponsors, and our supporters.

Special thanks to Claire Chang and John Ward of
The Solar Store of Greenfield
Replacing nuclear and fossil fuel one house
at a time with Solar PV installations!

Holtec, ISP, and NRC object to Beyond Nuclear's motions to dismiss NM and TX CISFs


Public comments to NRC needed in opposition to the WCS/ISP CISF scheme, by Oct. 19 deadline!