




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries from November 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020


Beyond Nuclear's 30th set of public comments, re: Docket ID NRC-2016-0231, and report number NUREG-2239, NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, re: Cautionary Tales -- Get the Facts on High-Level Atomic Waste Storage Casks!

Submitted via:
Dear NRC Staff,

We submit these comments on behalf of our members and supporters, not only in New Mexico and Texas, near the targeted ISP/WCS CISF site, but across both of these states, and the rest of the country, along road, rail, and waterway routes that would be used for high risk, highly radioactive waste shipments to ISP/WCS's CISF, as well as to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone land -- wrongly and illegally assumed by ISP/WCS, as well as by NRC, to someday (or some decade, or some century) become a permanent disposal repository. This unnecessarily repeated, multiple legged, cross-continental transport of highly radioactive waste, is another significant aspect of the EJ (Environmental Justice) burden associated with this ISP/WCS CISF scheme.

The following subject matter has gotten little to no attention in NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, a far cry from NEPA's legally binding "hard look" requirement:

Cautionary Tales -- Get the Facts on High-Level Atomic Waste Storage Casks!

The following backgrounder, which I wrote in 2004 while serving as Nuclear Waste Specialist at NIRS, contains many cautionary tales and lessons learned that should be applied at ISP/WCS's CISF. NRC has ignored many, to most, to all of these lessons that should have been learned over the past many decades, however.

The backgrounder is pasted in, in full, below. It is also posted online here: <>

Get the Facts on High-Level Atomic Waste Storage Casks!

The Dangers

 “Spent” nuclear fuel is a misleading term. Irradiated nuclear fuel rods discharged fromcommercial nuclear power plants are highly radioactive, a million times more so than when they were first loaded into a reactor core as fresh fuel. If unshielded, irradiated nuclear fuel just removed from a reactor core could deliver a lethal dose of beta, gamma and neutron radiation to a person standing three feet away in just seconds. Even after decades of radioactive decay, a few minutes unshielded exposure time would be enough to deliver a lethal dose. Certain radioactive elements (alpha emitters such as plutonium-239) in “spent” fuel will remain hazardous to humans and other living beings for hundreds of thousands of years. Military high-level radioactive wastes – the highly radioactive liquid and sludge “leftovers” from reprocessing irradiated fuel rods to extract the uranium and plutonium for making nuclear bombs – has the same hazardous characteristics as “spent” commercial fuel. Irradiated fuel rods and high-level nuclear wastes are perhaps the most hazardous poisons ever created. There is the added danger that fissile materials still present in highly radioactive wastes will form a “critical mass,” causing an inadvertent nuclear chain reaction that could radiate a deadly beam of neutrons and possibly even generate enough heat to melt through the container within which it is held. Thus, these wastes must be shielded for centuries, prevented from going critical, and isolated from the living environment for hundreds of millenia.

Past and Present Storage Techniques

With every operational cycle of 18 to 24 months at a U.S. nuclear power plant, the reactor is shut down and approximately one-quarter to one-third of its now extremely radioactive fuel assemblies are removed. These thermally hot and highly radioactive fuel assemblies are then transferred into the plant’s irradiated fuel storage pool. These large, indoor water-filled storage ponds shield much of the high radiation underwater, and allow the assemblies to thermally cool down from the reactor’s high operational temperatures. These pools were originally designed for temporary storage only. Nuclear utilities assumed their high-level wastes would be shipped off for reprocessing to extract fissionable uranium and plutonium for making new fuel rods, or else transported for dumping at a “permanent geologic disposal site” -- an underground national sacrifice area. However, reprocessing of commercial wastes was abandoned in the 1970’s as economically unfeasible and a threat of nuclear weapons proliferation (not to mention a source of serious radioactive pollution into water and air), and geologic disposal remains mired in technical and political controversy. Consequently, high-level waste inventories at commercial U.S. nuclear reactors have dramatically mounted in storage pools. After decades of “re-racking” to cram pools as full as possible, growing numbers have filled to capacity. This has complicated continued operations and waste generation at certain reactors, while at the growing number of closed down reactors, irradiated fuel assemblies sit in their storage pools even while the plant sites are dismantled and “decommissioned” around them.

Dry Storage Casks

As pools have filled, the nuclear industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have developed dry cask storage systems, or Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations 1(ISFSI’s), to expand “interim” storage of wastes both on-site at plants and away from reactors. As of March, 2003 there were 28 operating licensed ISFSI’s located in 22 different States. Numerous additional potential ISFSI sites in many more States may open in the near future (see U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Spent Fuel Project Office’s March, 2003 map of ISFSI locations at, as well as its “Nuclear Fuel Pool Capacitygraph at, showing the growing number of pools filling to capacity, an indication of impending moves to opening ISFSI’s at those reactors). After a minimum of five years of thermal cooling in “wet” storage pools, irradiated fuel assemblies can be transferred to NRC certified “dry” storage casks made of concrete, steel alloy, and neutron shielding materials. Resembling a giant metallic thermos (solid on one end, open on the other), inner canisters are loaded underwater (to shield workers from the high radiation). The pool water is then pumped out, multiple shield lids are welded or bolted on to seal shut the open end, and the interior of thecanister is filled with inert gas (such as helium) intended to prevent deterioration of the fuel rods from oxidation with air, as well as to conduct heat away from the waste. These canisters are then transported to concrete storage pads either immediately nearby the reactor (an on-site ISFSI), or else away from the reactor at an off-site ISFSI. They are loaded into either horizontal “bunkers” or vertical silos (depending on the dry cask system design) made of concrete, which provide shielding against the gamma and neutron rays that emanate out from within the surprisingly thin metallic inner canister. Natural convection through vents in the concrete silo or “bunker” provides passive air cooling, but the inner metal canister can still reach temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit or higher due to the waste’s on-going radioactive decay. NRC approved ISFSI sites can accept irradiated fuel from more than one reactor.

Problems with Dry Cask Storage Surfaced Immediately: A Meltdown of Democracy, a Retreat from Regulation
 Under a provision in the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the NRC can approve ISFSI’s under a nuclear plant’s general operating license. This means even the nominal safeguards for protecting the environment and involving the public -- normally required for licensing a nuclear facility -- are done away with: no site-specific study is required, no environmental impact statement (EIS) is made, and no adjudicatory public hearing process is allowed. The original EIS for the reactor itself – prepared decades earlier, long before ISFSI’s were even envisioned – is relied upon for licensing the dry cask storage site. An environmental assessment is issued by the NRC which automatically finds no adverse impacts on the environment based upon the earlier EIS.Concerned citizens and community groups regard this “generic licensing process” as a meltdown of democracy. Michigan’s Palisades nuclear plant was the first in the U.S. to receive the go-ahead from NRC to set up an ISFSI under the reactor’s general operating license. In May, 1993 NRC allowed Consumers Energy Company to install a dry cask storage site on a sand dune identified by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the University of Michigan as a “high risk erosion zone” just 150 yards uphill from the waters of Lake Michigan, the source of drinking water for tens of millions of people. Whereas the Palisades reactor itself is anchored to bedrock, its two dozen dry storage casks fully loaded with irradiated nuclear fuel (each one weighing 120 tons) sit on a three foot thick concrete storage pad, anchored to nothing but shifting sand. In early 1994, an NRC inspector stated “it’s the consequences that might occur from an earthquake that I’m concerned about. The casks can either fall into Lake Michigan or be buried in the loose sand because of liquefaction.” He concluded “It is apparent to me that NMSS [NRC’s office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards] doesn’t realize the catastrophic consequences of their continued reliance on their current ideology," the generic licensing process. Over a decade later, these concerns have not been addressed. NRC continues to generically license ISFSI's, rubberstamping nuclear utility applications at an accelerating rate.
Cask Fabrication Before Certification: Build ‘Em First, Ask Questions Later

Manufacturers of dry cask systems must go through the NRC’s “certificate of compliance” (CoC) process. This covers a host of issues, including the development of the cask design technical specifications, operational limits, maximum radiation dose limits and the condition of irradiated fuel that can be stored inside. As of Feb. 5, 2003, NRC had approved 16 different dry cask storage systems for general use at or away from reactors (see NRC cask certification is valid for 20 year intervals, with reviewed extensions available. NRC has stated that dry cask storage is safe andreliable for up to 100 years. However, problems with dry casks have surfaced not after decades or a century, but almost immediately in the first few years, raising serious questions about the NRC cask certification process itself. Evidence documents that the NRC’s CoC process has been taken over by cask manufacturers’ and nuclear utilities’ profit-driven pressure for expediency. The consequent lack of rigorous regulatory oversight has resulted in a complete lack of field testing of cask designs, NRC approval for exemptions allowing manufacturers to build casks before receiving the certificate of compliance, and mounting evidence of poor quality assurance and quality control of cask manufacturing. In fact, a whisteblower fired by the largest nuclear utility in the U.S. alleges major quality assurance (QA) violations involving Holtec storage/transport containers. Oscar Shirani served as a lead QA inspector for Commonwealth Edison/Exelon of Chicago for many years, earning impeccable credentials. A consortium of nuclear utilities invited Shirani to lead a QA inspection of Holtec cask design and manufacturing in 2000. Shirani identified 9 major QA violations (such as unauthorized welding, large numbers of departures from design specifications, and use of potentially shoddy materials), leading him to question the structural integrity of the containers, especially under severe transportation accident conditions. Shirani’s discovery followed an NRC-led QA inspection just months earlier that had identified no problems with the Holtec casks, casting huge doubt upon the competence and credibility of NRC’s QA regulatory oversight.Shirani sought a “stop work order” against the manufacture of the Holtec casks until the QA violations were rectified. Instead, Exelon harassed and ultimately fired him. Shirani has been blacklisted from the nuclear industry ever since, and his allegations have never been addressed. Frighteningly, Holtec casks are already in use at 33 U.S. nuclear reactors (see locations under “Spent Fuel Systems Division” at Numerous technical problems with fully loaded dry casks are popping up around the country at an alarming rate, leading to charges from concerned citizens living nearby that ISFSI’s (pronounced “is-IF-sees”) are very “iffy,” and represent “nuclear experiments” in their backyard.

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble: Cracks, Corrosion, and Explosion

A May 28, 1996 explosion at the Point Beach reactor in Wisconsin jolted public confidence in the dry cask storage program. While sealing shut a VSC-24 (a Ventilated Storage Cask built by Sierra Nuclear Corporation (SNC) holding 24 irradiated fuel assemblies; this cask design has now been taken over by British Nuclear Fuels, Ltd.), a welding torch ignited pent up hydrogen gas with enough force to dislodge the cask’s 4,000 pound shield lid several inches in the air and tilt it ajar on top of the cask.  as later determined to result from an electro-chemical reaction between an anti-corrosion zinc liner within the cask and the borated “spent” fuel pool water. The chemical reaction between zinc and boric acid to generate explosive hydrogen gas -- familiar to many high school chemistry students – somehow escaped the notice of all the “experts” at NRC, the cask manufacturer, and the nuclear utility company. Over a dozen VSC-24 casks had already been loaded around the country before the explosion. Utilityemployees had observed bubbles in the “spent” fuel pools during these loadings, yet had failed to understand that they were flammable hydrogen gas and did not report them to the NRC. In fact, a blue flame was observed burning within another VSC-24 loaded at Point Beach previous to the explosion, but had been shrugged off by employees as resulting from excess cleaning solvents and went unreported. The explosion led to NRC inspecting SNC’s cask manufacturing facility, revealing confusion, inadequate testing, and poor quality control. It also led to a three year halt on the loading of VSC-24’s in the U.S. so that the NRC, nuclear utilities, and the cask manufacturer could get a grip on the situation. However, the next VSC-24 to be loaded, at Palisades in June, 1999 again experienced two separate “hydrogen ignition incidents.” Again there was a breakdown in administrative controls. The NRC inspectors, thinking all was in order, had already gone home for the day before the “burns” occurred. A welder ignited a “burn” but did not report it, which led inevitably to a welder on the next shift igniting a second “burn”. Days passed before NRC was notified. Just the next week later, a suspicious fire in the dry cask storage administrative office trailer at Palisades destroyed many documents, including those about the recent “burns”. Concerned citizens cried foul, but NRC did not cite Palisades for any violations of regulations. In 2001, Palisades officials admitted to the NRC that the very same irradiated fuel that was involved in the hydrogen “burns” had actually cooled for less than five years in the storage pool. Loading it in dry casks had been in violation of the casks’ technical design specifications, and thus federal regulations. Suspiciously, the less-than-five-years-cooled fuel had been evenly distributed between a number of casks, leading critics to charge that the “mistake” had in fact been intentional. However, records pertaining to the suspect loading procedure had been destroyed in the earlier suspicious office fire (for which fire inspectors never ruled out the possibility of arson). Shortly thereafter, a VSC-24 cask loading at the Trojan nuclear plant in Oregon had to be suspended when so many hydrogen bubbles were generated in the fuel pool that workers could not see well enough to complete the job. In June, 2000 NRC cited the VSC-24’s new owner, British Nuclear Fuels, for poor quality control and assurance in cask manufacturing and maintenance. Obviously, four years since the Point Beach explosion (1996-2000) was not long enough for NRC and industry to resolve problems with the VSC-24. A March, 1997 NRC inspection report revealed another defect with VSC-24’s: delayed cracking in welds supposed to seal shut the multiple shield lids on casks at Palisades, Point Beach, and Arkansas One nuclear plants. Such cracks can allow the inert helium gas within the cask to escape, making the irradiated fuel assemblies vulnerable to contact with air, oxidation, and deterioration. Such degradation could lead to serious irradiated fuel handling and transportation problems in the future. Again, weld failure in shield lids was unanticipated and unanalyzed by industry and the NRC. Over the past several years, NRC has identified serious problems in other dry cask systems. Three NUHOMS casks, manufactured by VECTRA Technologies (now owned byTransnuclear, Inc., a subsidiary of the French nuclear giant COGEMA) and fully loaded at the Davis-Besse nuclear plant in Ohio, were discovered to have been built below technical specifications: the aggregate used to fabricate the casks’ outer concrete shells was poor quality, and the shells themselves were ground too thin. In January, 2000 NRC reported that a TN-32 cask (manufactured by Transnuclear, containing 32 irradiated fuel assemblies) at the Surry nuclear 4plant in Virginia had developed six inch long cracks in its outer concrete shield, loose bolts, and a helium leak.In late May, 2000 NRC discovered an unreported flaw with the neutron shielding material supplied to New Jersey-based cask manufacturer Holtec International by Nuclear Assurance Corporation. Holtec hopes to deploy no less than 4,000 HI-STORM dry casks for use at the proposed Private Fuel Storage, LLC high-level nuclear waste dump targeted at the tiny, impoverished Skull Valley Goshutes Indian Reservation in Utah. Transportation of irradiated fuel rods to Utah in Holtec HI-STAR containers – the first dual purpose storage/transport cask to be certified by NRC -- from Eastern, Southeastern, and Midwestern reactors would traverse dozens of States, past the homes of millions of Americans, raising unprecedented safety concerns. In April, 2001 the Sacramento Municipal Utility District halted loading its first Transnuclear West Nuhoms dry storage cask at the Rancho Seco reactor in California due to an unexpected mishap. A faulty O-ring leaked air underwater in the irradiated fuel storage pool during loading operations, threatening to contaminate the fuel-holding inner canister with radioactive pool water. In Sept., 2001 an Exelon Corporation spokesman at the Dresden nuclear reactors in Illinois admitted to a visiting group of nuclear power officials touring the plant’s new dry cask storage facility that the NRC had granted Dresden an exemption when its recently, poorly poured dry cask storage concrete pad did not meet specifications.

Atomic Brinksmanship

The explosion within the VSC-24 took place immediately above 24 irradiated fuel assemblies already loaded into the cask, containing the equivalent amount of long-lasting radioactivity released by 240 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs; the nearby “spent” fuel pool held the full inventory of high-level radioactive waste generated at that plant over the course of decades. Although the NRC and utility reported that no radiation was released, no damage was done to the irradiated fuel assemblies in the cask, and no one was injured by the blast, the forceful explosion occurred near the plant’s “spent” fuel pool , not a place to “play with fire” or make mistakes with objects weighing many tons. Loaded dry storage casks, weighing more than 100 tons, are among the heaviest loads moved within a reactor during power operation. Human error and equipment failure raise issuesof worker and public safety during cask handling and moving activities. Dropping either a loaded or unloaded cask inside the fuel pool building can severely damage plant safety equipment, jeopardizing reactor operation and the cooling of irradiated fuel in the storage pond. On May 13, 1995 a loaded TN-40 cask became stuck in the hoisted position above the Prairie Island, Minnesota plant’s irradiated fuel storage pool for 16 hours. This incident occurred just after NRC had granted Northern States Power (now Xcel Energy) an exemption fromregulatory requirements for reviewing cask loading procedures. Over 120 tons of metal storage cask and irradiated fuel assemblies dangled precariously over 22 years’ worth of the reactor’s accumulated irradiated fuel assemblies in the pool below – many hundreds of tons of deadly nuclear waste. This dangling “sword of Damocles” risked dropping back into the pool, damaging irradiated fuel stored there, or punching a hole in the pool leading to a loss of coolant accident and potentially catastrophic consequences. Luckily, nothing happened – that time. Some reactor designs, such as in G.E. boiling water reactors, have placed the irradiated fuel storage pools several stories up in the reactor building. Consequently, cask movement can place heavy loads up to ten stories high inside the reactor building. A cask drop would send the heavy load crashing down through several floors of the building which house vital safety systems, with untold consequences. 

When in Doubt, Rush Full Speed Ahead Anyway

These widespread problems make clear that NRC’s high-level waste storage and handling regulations are dangerously inadequate and in need of comprehensive review. Despite this, NRC continues to expedite ISFSI licenses: there are scores of nuclear power reactors in dozens of states planning to open ISFSI’s in the next several years due to the fact that their indoor storage pools are completely filling up. In addition, NRC continues to allow vendors to manufacture casks before they have received their certificates of compliance. Once casks are already built, the pressure is on NRC to help “fix” any problems that surface via an “efficient and effective” (i.e., quick, cheap and easy) CoC amendment process, which again locks out involvement of concerned citizens, and leads to changes on the casks that leave NRC itself unsure that its “SafetyEvaluation Report” still applies. The nuclear industry has even pushed for NRC permission to “fix” cask problems without even notifying the federal agency charged with protecting public health and safety and the environment! As more and more utilities quickly run out of pool space and seek to store fuel in drycasks or even to transport fuel off-site, NRC certification of cask designs is accelerating: in February, 2000 alone, NRC was engaged in certifying five new cask designs, and beginning review of an additional three applications for cask certification. As Bill Brach, director of the NRC’s Spent Fuel Project Office (which is in charge of cask certification) cheerfully reported to the NRC Commissioners in February, 2000, “We've been extremely busy.” Given the history of past mistakes and the current rush job, future certification, manufacturing, and operational mistakes are inevitable.

The First Rule of Holes: When You’re in One, Stop Digging

Incredibly, not a single dry storage cask, once loaded, has ever been unloaded in the U.S. This has led critics to charge that no safe unloading procedure exists. In May, 1993 local environmental groups and the State of Michigan filed for an injunction in federal court against the loading of VSC-24’s at Palisades, alleging that there was no proven safe method for unloading the casks. The NRC and Consumers Energy assured the court that in an emergency, casks could be safely unloaded simply by reversing the loading procedure. The court denied the injunction and allowed the casks to be loaded. Just over a year later, in August, 1994 Consumers Energy discovered that its fourth loaded VSC-24 dry cask had weld flaws. To demonstrate its commitment to public safety and the environment, as well as to live up to its promise to the court, Consumers announced it would unload the irradiated fuel in the cask back into the storage pool. Only then were the difficulties discovered. Reintroducing the 400 degree Fahrenheit fuel assemblies back into the 100 degree fuel pool water would result in a radioactive steam flash hazardous to workers, and would thermally shock the fuel assemblies threatening to further degrade them. Also, the welded-shut inner canister would have to be cut open in a timeframe of less than 50 hours, for the cooling process could not be maintained during the unloading procedure and the fuel within would begin to overheat. In addition, there was no procedure yet developed to remove steel shims that were pressure fit inside the cask lid. Rather than leading to a pause for reflection, however, Consumers rushed to immediately load nine more VSC-24’s, a move taken by local concerned citizens to be in very bad faith. Ten years after Consumers announced it would unload the defective cask #4, it still sits fully loaded on the Lake Michigan shoreline, alongside two dozen more fully loaded VSC-24’s of questionable structural integrity. The failure to safely unload dry casks has concerned other neighbors next to reactors. The Prairie Island Mdewakanton Dakota Tribe in Minnesota petitioned the NRC to prohibit Northern States Power from loading any more TN-40 casks until a safe unloading procedure had been 6demonstrated, but to no avail. 17 dry casks sit fully loaded just several hundred yards from the nearest homes and a tribal child care center on this tiny island on a flood plain in the middle of the Mississippi River. Recently, Xcel Energy pressured the Minnesota state legislature to permit it to load scores more casks at Prairie Island, violating an agreement made in 1994 to limit the number of casks to 17. Adding further to worries about cask unloading, corrosion between the metallic inner canister and the metallic lining of the outer shell of VSC-24’s could cause a bonding together that would be very difficult to pry apart. Even if the casks were to malfunction, or the waste to leak, or a repository to open that could accept the wastes, it remains unclear whether dry casks could be safely unloaded back into fuel storage pools or into transport casks for shipment off-site.

So What’s To Be Done?! Leave it in the pools? Ship it away to be buried? Stop making it!

 High-level nuclear waste presents us with an unprecedented dilemma – poisons that remain deadly for hundreds of thousands of years. If dry cask storage is so problematic, why not keep the wastes in wet storage pools? Wastes are dangerous there too, for cooling pumps must operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for decades. Without pumps circulating cooling water, the thermally hot waste could boil away the pool water in a matter of hours. A recent NRC report admitted that even decades-cooled irradiated fuel could spontaneously combust if overheated or put in contact with air. A pool fire could release disastrous amounts of radioactivity to the environment. A puncture of a pool and consequent loss of water could lead to similar catastrophic consequences. So could a simple loss of power, causing the cooling and water circulation pumps to stop working. A raccoon at the Fermi reactor in Michigan once caused such a loss of power to the cooling pumps. For these reasons, many see dry cask storage as safer than wet pool storage. Dry casks have no moving parts, and individually contain smaller amounts of high-level waste than cram-packed pools. The word “safer” is relative, for high-level nuclear waste is dangerous no matter how or where it is stored. The terrorist threat to nuclear power reactors -- brought home so clearly by the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 as well as the U.S. federal government’s admission that nuclear reactors are high on al-Qaida’s list of potentially catastrophic terrorist targets – also raises concern about waste stored on-site at reactors. Pool fires caused by terrorist attacks could release massive amounts of radioactivity into the environment for hundreds of miles downwind, risking death and injury tohundreds of thousands of people. But dry casks, stored in concentrated rows (not unlike bowling pins) in clearly visible outdoor locations, are also very vulnerable to terrorist attack. Some concerned citizens groups have advocated “hardening” at-reactor waste storage, fortifying it against terrorist attack, such as by emptying vulnerable pools and dispersing and bunkering dry storage casks behind thick concrete, steel, and earthen shields to defend against attacks by high explosives or missiles (see If irradiated fuel rods are dangerous in pools and dry casks, then why not ship them to the proposed Yucca Mountain site in Nevada for burial? For one thing, Yucca Mountain is not a scientifically suitable site. Yucca Mountain is an active earthquake zone, prone to volcanic activity. Yucca leaks water like a sieve into the aquifer below, the sole source of drinking water for nearby farming communities. If waste were buried there, it would eventually leak into that drinking water, harming people downstream. In addition, shipping many tens of thousands of irradiated fuel casks cross country through 45 states plus Washington, D.C. (according to the U.S. Energy Dept.’s 2002 Final EIS for Yucca Mountain), through major metropolitan areas and America’s breadbasket, past the homes of 50 million Americans carries unprecedented risks. The transport containers have been inadequately safety tested, most emergency responders are poorly trained and equipped for dealing with a radiation accident, and the health and economic impactsa radiation release would be immense. Going forward with Yucca Mountain and such cross country transportation is ill-conceived and would make the nuclear waste dilemma worse, not better. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The U.S. must stop generating radioactive waste. NRC estimates that 52,000 metric tons of irradiated nuclear fuel will be stored at commercial reactors in the U.S. by 2005. If currently operating reactors continue generating waste until the end of their 40 year licenses, the mountain of waste will more than double in size. If NRC continues to allow old reactors to extend their operating lifetimes from 40 to 60 years, the amount of waste will increase still more. If new nuclear reactors are built, yet more waste would be produced. Nuclear power must be phased out and replaced with safer, cheaper, cleaner ways to meet our electricity needs: conservation, efficiency, and renewable sources such as wind, solar, and fuel cells.

Prepared by Kevin Kamps, Nuclear Waste Specialist. Updated on July 15, 2004. References and documentation available upon request. Nuclear Information & Resource Service.]


Please address and rectify your woefully inadequate "hard look" under NEPA, re: this health-, safety-, and environmentally-significant, as well as legally-binding, subject matter above.

And please acknowledge your receipt of these comments, and confirm their inclusion as official public comments in the record of this docket.

Thank you.


Kay Drey, President, Board of Directors, Beyond Nuclear


Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist, Beyond Nuclear


Beyond Nuclear's 29th set of public comments, re: Docket ID NRC-2016-0231, and report number NUREG-2239, NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, re: A Cautionary Tale: MOBILE MELTDOWN - TMI TRAIN TROUBLES

Submitted via:
Dear NRC Staff,

We submit these comments on behalf of our members and supporters, not only in New Mexico and Texas, near the targeted ISP/WCS CISF site, but across both of these states, and the rest of the country, along road, rail, and waterway routes that would be used for high risk, highly radioactive waste shipments to ISP/WCS's CISF, as well as to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone land -- wrongly and illegally assumed by ISP/WCS, as well as by NRC, to someday (or some decade, or some century) become a permanent disposal repository. This unnecessarily repeated, multiple legged, cross-continental transport of highly radioactive waste, is another significant aspect of the EJ (Environmental Justice) burden associated with this ISP/WCS CISF scheme.

The following subject matter has gotten little to no attention in NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, a far cry from NEPA's legally binding "hard look" requirement:


Several of the very small number of ISP proponents who submitted verbal comments on the four NRC call-in sessions, all of whom were nuclear power industry representatives, made comments suggesting that the industry has a spotless record of transporting highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel in the U.S., over the course of decades. The following article, which we co-authored, written in 2004 to mark 25 years since the Three Mile Island Unit 2 meltdown, documents numerous incidents involving the TMI-2 melted down irradiated nuclear fuel, as it passed through the St. Louis, MO metro area, en route from Pennsylvania to "temporary storage" in Idaho, where it remains still. (Kevin Kamps served as Nuclear Waste Specialist, and Kay Drey as Board of Directors member, at NIRS in 2004.) As our article documents, the nuclear power industry's record on shipping irradiated nuclear fuel and highly radioactive wastes is far from spotless. Serious safety and security concerns are raised by these cautionary tales documented below.

The article is linked here, and pasted in, in full, below.




Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Special Issue: 25 Years Since the TMI Disaster

(March 12, 2004) TMI-Unit 2 became operable in March 1978 but due to numerous problems and shutdowns, the reactor had operated effectively for just three months prior to the accident. During the accident, the relatively new fuel came within half an hour of melting through the reactor vessel, the precursor for the proverbial "China syndrome," in which the fuel would burn its way down to the underground water table, causing massive radioactive steam discharges in the environment.

(605-606.5590) NIRS - Five years after its meltdown, the reactor vessel head from TMI-2 was removed and between 1985 and 1990, the reactor was partially "defueled." A portion of the fuel that had melted then turned into a hardened mass was chopped out of the reactor vessel, to be shipped off to Idaho for "interim" storage. At one point, the workers responsible for removing the fuel had to stop because they could not see through the vessel coolant water. A population explosion of mutant microorganisms ("algae, fungi, bacteria, and aerobic and anaerobic organisms") was apparently thriving in the highly radioactive water, making it opaque and clogging up the filters. After trying various unsuccessful and unsafe biocide concoctions, massive infusions of hydrogen peroxide finally restored visibility. (1)

It should be noted that not all the irradiated nuclear fuel was removed from the destroyed TMI core. In August 1993, Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of Nuclear Physics, City University of New York, evaluated studies conducted or commissioned by GPU [General Public Utilities, then-owner of the TMI plant] and the NRC on the amount of fuel left in TMI-2. "It appears that every few months, since 1990, a new estimate is made of core debris, often with little relationship to the previous estimate…," Dr. Kaku concluded. "…[E]stimates range from 608.8 kg to l,322 kg [1,342 pounds to 2,915 pounds]... This is rather unsettling... The still unanswered questions are therefore: precisely how much uranium is left in the core, and how much uranium can collect in the bottom of the reactor to initiate re-criticality." (2) Eric Epstein of TMI-Alert told the authors of Critical Hour (see book review) that as of 2003, no more was known about the quantity of fissile debris remaining in the core. The utility says it will keep the facility in long-term, monitored storage until the operating license for the TMI-1 reactor expires, at which time both reactors will be decommissioned. However, the expiration date of 2014 could be extended until 2034 if Exelon applies for what has become a near automatic license extension from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). (3)

The removed portion of the severely damaged nuclear fuel was transported by train to the Department of Energy's (DOE) Idaho National Engineering Lab. (INEL) and between 1986 and 1990, at least 22 separate shipments were conducted through states between Pennsylvania and Idaho. All passed through St. Louis, Missouri. The two dozen shipments involved not only broken fuel rods, but also broken promises, speed limits and safety requests that bode ill for the nuclear establishment's Yucca Mountain dump scheme.

The DOE was in charge of these TMI-2 fuel debris shipments, just as it would be in charge of the Yucca Mountain shipments. DOE and the train companies hired to haul the high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) casks to Idaho were asked by the City of St. Louis not to exceed 35 miles (56 km) per hour, however, TMI-2 shipments were observed traveling at 65 (105 km) mph. A promise was made to St. Louis area officials that TMI-2 trains would not pass through the metropolitan area during rush hour, but this agreement was also violated. (4) DOE continues to violate agreements with Missouri to date. In June 2001, three truckloads of irradiated fuel from a German research reactor en-route from South Carolina to Idaho passed through Missouri population centers during rush hour, and pulled over at an unauthorized location during a fierce rainstorm, again contrary to prior agreements. (5)

The federal Environmental Assessment for the TMI-2 shipments had assumed only one high-level radioactive waste cask per train shipment. The "Finding of No Significant Impact" equaled a green light for the shipments to proceed and indeed, the very first shipment, which passed through St. Louis on July 22, 1986 carried only one cask. Though just over two months later the second shipment carried two casks, an unanalyzed condition that was repeated numerous times by shipments carrying two and sometimes three casks.

The shipping casks themselves also posed problems, during both design and fabrication. For example, residual water was unavoidably entrapped in the shipping canisters during fuel loading. The release of hydrogen and oxygen gases caused by the exposure of the water molecules to radioactive particles and rays emitted by the fuel, known as radiolysis meant "recombiner catalysts" had to be installed in each fuel canister to combine the gases back into water, in an effort to reduce the generation of combustible gas mixtures. Some of the canisters were also found to have defective O-rings - the type of seal blamed for the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster. (4) Borated neutron-moderators had to be included in the canisters to protect against a criticality accident. Such precautions against inadvertent chain reactions in the still-fissile HLRW are necessary in most shipping containers, although the amount of borated neutron moderators required should vary with the quantity, age, enrichment level, history and condition of the irradiated fuel.

Perhaps the most dramatic accident involving TMI-2 meltdown shipments took place on 24 March, 1987 when the train, carrying two HLRW casks, collided with a car that had stalled on the tracks in St. Louis. (4)

The fourteenth shipment through St. Louis, on Feb. 9, 1988 caused another type of anxiety among city officials and emergency responders. The train carried three HLRW casks, separated by "buffer" cars. According to a city official who spoke on condition of anonymity (4), two buffer cars were marked with hazardous materials placards declaring that they contained calcium carbide. Calcium carbide is an unstable chemical that reacts violently with water, generating a highly flammable gas. In case of a fire involving calcium carbide, water must not be used. In addition to being incompatible with moisture and water, calcium carbide must be kept away from strong oxidizing agents, hydrogen chloride, and magnesium. (6) Needless to say, St. Louis officials responsible for public safety were not happy to see flammable calcium carbide cars mixed in with melted down HLRW from TMI!

The officials investigated the buffer cars while the train was stopped in a rail yard in East St. Louis, Illinois. According to some accounts, the substance in the buffer cars turned out to be crushed limestone. Was the buffer car mistakenly marked? Regardless of whether the buffer cars were empty, contained limestone, or actually contained calcium carbide, their placards would have stopped firefighters from using water to douse flames in the event of a fire involving the shipment. HLRW casks are only designed to withstand low temperature fire (1,475 degree Fahrenheit, 800 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes. Such labeling mistakes could interfere with emergency response, risking harmful radioactive releases. More frightening still, U.S. federal regulations allow HLRW to be shipped by trains carrying mixed freight and could be located between explosives and flammables on a train. For years, DOE - apparently in a bid to save money - has strongly resisted calls by the American Association of Railroads, environmental and public safety groups, and concerned state and local governments to only ship HLRW on dedicated trains. The highways and waterways across the U.S. are also mixing bowls for hazardous, flammable, and explosive shipments that could potentially breach HLRW transport containers in a severe accident.

Another scare was caused by the sixteenth TMI fuel debris shipment, on 24 May, 1988. During a transfer between the Conrail and the Union Pacific train lines, after the Conrail locomotive had been disconnected, the rest of the train - TMI-2 waste casks, buffer cars, and caboose - rolled about 600 feet (180 meters) before a railway worker could run after it, jump aboard, and hand-crank a wheel on top of the train to engage the brakes. (4)

How much radioactivity was contained in these two dozen shipments through St. Louis? The nuclear firm EG&G estimated the radioactivity content at over three million curies. Compare that to the total of two curies of radioactivity used at one time at the world-class Washington University medical center in its thousand labs that use radioisotopes for research! (4)

A secret DOE train shipment carried two casks of damaged fuel rods across the U.S. in July 2003. (7) The shipment originated at the shutdown commercial irradiated-fuel reprocessing facility at West Valley, New York. It very likely traveled through states from Pennsylvania to Idaho (8) before the casks ended up at INEL. There the waste, originally from the Big Rock Point reactor in Michigan and the Ginna reactor in New York, was placed in "interim" outdoor dry-cask storage. This shipment closely followed the route traveled by the two dozen TMI fuel debris shipments over a decade earlier, with an important exception: it apparently bypassed St. Louis to the north, entering Missouri at Hannibal and exiting at Kansas City. (8) Both the TMI shipments and the West Valley shipment avoided traveling through Chicago. In fact, DOE explicitly stated it had chosen the West Valley shipment route based in large part on "population along the route and potential risk to the public." (9) DOE's Yucca Mountain transport plan does not mandate the avoidance of major population centers. Originally scheduled to roll in October 2001, the shipment was delayed almost two years due to concerns over terrorism (10). In addition, the DOE and NRC agreed that the casks, with uncertified seals, were not to travel between 31 October and 1 April in order to avoid extreme cold weather conditions. (11) In fact, St. Louis would experience one to two truck shipments per day, or two to three train casks per week, on average, for three decades. (12) Rail yards just off downtown Chicago would be subjected to one train cask out of every three train casks bound for Yucca. (13)

According to the NRC, the TMI-2 irradiated fuel debris shipped across the continent is currently stored in dry casks at DOE's Idaho National Lab (14). Given the problems experienced by the two dozen TMI-2 shipments passing through St. Louis, it is frightening to think about the broad range of potential mishaps that could occur if the DOE were to ship many tens of thousands of HLRW casks across the nation to Yucca Mountain. We all need to work to stop this radioactive Russian roulette on the roads and rails before it begins.

Contact: Kevin Kamps at NIRS and Kay Drey

(1) U.S. NRC, NUREG-0090, Appendix B, "Update of Previously Reported Abnormal Occurrences," update to Vol. 8, No. 4, as of April 20, 1986, pgs. 41-42.
(2) Michio Kaku quoted in "Three Mile Island at Nineteen," April 3, 1998, Eric Epstein, Three Mile Island Alert, Harrisburg, PA. See:
(3) accessed March 4, 2004.
(4) Interviews with Kay Drey in University City, Missouri March 2004.
(5) Bill Bell, Jr., "Holden Says Radioactive Shipment Was Bungled: Governor Charges That Federal Agency Broke Promises on Moving Wastes," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Nov. 1, 2001.
(6) According to the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory at Oxford University,, accessed March 4, 2004.
(7) "Public Interest Groups Criticize Handling of Recent Nuclear Waste Shipment from Western New York to Idaho: Secret Nuclear Shipment Endangered Local Communities," Public Citizen Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program press release, Aug. 11, 2003,
(8) "U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Nuclear Fuel Shipment Routes 12A & 12B," in "West Valley Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment: Resource Guide," published by Westinghouse West Valley Nuclear Services Company and INEEL Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC, for U.S. DOE, undated but mailed to NIRS spring 2001, page 21.
(9) "DOE FACT: West Valley Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Route," a fact sheet, undated but downloaded from

on Feb. 8, 2001.
(10) "U.S. Dept. of Energy Suspends Atomic Waste Train Due to Terrorist Threat," NIRS press release, Oct. 26, 2001.
(11) NRC Safety Evaluation Reports for the two casks (Docket Nos. 71-9202 and -9206, Revision No. 7), March 19, 2001; personal communication with John Chamberlain, West Valley Nuclear Services/Demonstration Project, New York, July 9, 2001.
(12) DOE Yucca Mt. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Feb. 2002, pgs. J-173 and 174.
(13) Robert Halstead, Nuclear Waste Transport Consultant to State of Nevada Spent Fuel Project office, on CBS "60 Minutes," Oct. 26, 2003. See additional Halstead analyses at
(14), accessed March 4, 2004.]

Please address and rectify your woefully inadequate "hard look" under NEPA, re: this health-, safety-, and environmentally-significant, as well as legally-binding, subject matter above.

And please acknowledge your receipt of these comments, and confirm their inclusion as official public comments in the record of this docket.

Thank you.


Kay Drey, President, Board of Directors, Beyond Nuclear


Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist, Beyond Nuclear


Beyond Nuclear's 28th set of public comments, re: Docket ID NRC-2016-0231, and report number NUREG-2239, NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, re: A Brief History of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Shipments: Atomic Waste Transport “Incidents” and Accidents the Nuclear Power Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About 

Submitted via:

Dear NRC Staff,

We submit these comments on behalf of our members and supporters, not only in New Mexico and Texas, near the targeted ISP/WCS CISF site, but across both of these states, and the rest of the country, along road, rail, and waterway routes that would be used for high risk, highly radioactive waste shipments to ISP/WCS's CISF, as well as to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone land -- wrongly and illegally assumed by ISP/WCS, as well as by NRC, to someday (or some decade, or some century) become a permanent disposal repository. This unnecessarily repeated, multiple legged, cross-continental transport of highly radioactive waste, is another significant aspect of the EJ (Environmental Justice) burden associated with this ISP/WCS CISF scheme.

The following subject matter has gotten little to no attention in NRC's ISP/WCS CISF DEIS, a far cry from NEPA's legally binding "hard look" requirement:

A Brief History of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Shipments: Atomic Waste Transport “Incidents” and Accidents the Nuclear Power Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About

This backgrounder, cut and pasted in below, within brackets, is also posted online here: <>. I wrote it in 2002, while serving as Nuclear Waste Specialist at NIRS.

It is relevant as public comment on the ISP CISF DEIS because it discusses the significant, large risks of highly radioactive waste shipping, with a focus on documented very serious problems in the past with Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC) shipping containers. NAC is a major partner in the ISP scheme.

Even if these older NAC containers are not to be used at ISP (and they very well may be used), such problems are still a big red flag re: NAC quality assurance (QA) violations in design, fabrication, and use of its containers, which carries major safety significant implications.

There are also very serious questions about NAC's safety culture, or lack thereof, documented in the backgrounder below.

As mentioned in previous comments in this proceeding, as well as the Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS public comment proceeding, shocking QA violation revelations re: Holtec containers, by Oscar Shirani of Exelon/Commonwealth Edison, and Dr. Ross Landsman of NRC Region III, beg the question, do such QA violations extend to other cask and canister models, such as NAC's? The brief history below indicates that yes, indeed, that may very well be the case, raising very serious health, safety, and environmental protection concerns re: ISP's CISF scheme.

Similarly, QA and technical specification violations involving Transnuclear NUHOMs dry cask storage at Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Ohio, and QA and tech. spec. violations involving Ventilated Storage Casks (VSC-24s) at Palisades nuclear power plant in Michigan, Point Beach nuclear power plant in Wisconsin, and Arkansas Nuclear One, show that indeed, there is a widespread problem with QA and tech. spec. violations across the nuclear power industry, involving many, to most, to all, models of irradiated nuclear fuel shipping and storage canisters and casks. This carries dire implications for risks to safety, health, and environment in the ISP CISF scheme.

[A Brief History of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Shipments:
Atomic Waste Transport “Incidents” and Accidents
the Nuclear Power Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About


The nuclear industry would have you believe that the transportation of irradiated fuel rods is completely safe. Its Washington, D.C. lobbying arm, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), claims that 2,900 shipments of irradiated nuclear fuel have traveled U.S. highways and railroads since 1964 with absolutely no radiation leaks nor container cracks. Although NEI admits that eight accidents have occurred, they quickly point out that only four involved containers loaded with “used” (a euphemism for highly radioactive) nuclear fuel. But in a 1996 State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects report (based on U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and Department of Energy documentation), “Reported Incidents Involving Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments, 1949 to Present,” a full 72 “incidents” are briefly described. 4 involved “accidental radioactive material contamination beyond the vehicle,” 4 contamination confined to the vehicle, 13 traffic accidents with no release or contamination, 49 of accidental container surface contamination, and 2 incidents with no descriptions. Three of the incidents resulting in contamination beyond the vehicle occurred in 1960 (a leaking rail cask that contaminated “small areas” at three rail yards), 1962 (a leaking truck cask that contaminated a roadway), and 1964 (a leaking truck cask that contaminated a terminal) – which may explain why NEI has chosen 1965 as the year to start counting “safe” shipments. However, a “slow drip from bottom front end of empty cask while stored in transportation terminal” occurred in a truck cask in 1984. Why aren’t these incidents acknowledged by NEI? The report listed incidents as late as the early 1990’s. [The 1996 Nevada report cited above is posted online here: <>.]

The report noted the scant nature of available data: “Description of the events and equipment are insufficient to evaluate the failure mechanisms or sources of contamination.” Such poor documentation will make it difficult to learn from past accidents. In addition, information on shipments of U.S. Navy irradiated nuclear fuel is classified from the public “for reasons of national security”: if there have been incidents or accidents, it will be difficult or impossible to find out. Upon closer examination, though, innocent enough sounding “incidents” are actually quite significant. An 8/25/1980 incident is reported as “surface contamination on cask,” but there’s much more to the story, as Dr. Marvin Resnikoff revealed in his classic 1983 book The Next Nuclear Gamble: Transportation and Storage of Nuclear Waste...

A NAC-1 truck cask (a Nuclear Assurance Corporation container capable of shipping one irradiated fuel assembly) was delivered to the San Onofre nuclear plant in California on August 20, 1980. Unknown to the workers about to handle the cask at San Onofre, this cask had been used four months earlier to ship a leaking fuel assembly from the Oyster Creek, NJ nuclear plant to a research facility near Columbus, Ohio. The cask had become so severely contaminated in the process that NAC added external lead shielding, to try to lower the exposure to workers and the public from the harmful radiation doses being given off. When the empty cask arrived at San Onofre, the radiation level in the truck driver’s cab was over twice the maximum legal limit. Two NAC technicians flew out to decontaminate the cask, which at points emitted 11 to 40 times the legal limit of radiation. A San Onofre health physics technician assisted – his role, to safeguard the workers’ health against harmful radioactivity. However, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) documents reveal that the technician was not qualified for this particular task: “He had no familiarity with irradiated (spent) fuel casks,” and “he received no briefing or instruction with regard to the potential hazard” of working with this contaminated cask nor even “what procedure or actions were going to be performed.”

 The NAC technicians opened a capped pipe leading to the interior of the cask. Highly contaminated water began pouring out. One NAC worker caught it in a plastic bag and measured the radiation. The water emitted up to 100 rems/hour of radiation, a level high enough to deliver a lethal dose to an adult after just five hours of whole-body exposure. Shorter exposure time to such intense radiation can also lead to other forms of severe health and genetic damage. The NAC workers used a paper towel to wipe up moisture in the pipe. The paper towel then gave off an even higher 300 rems/hr. One NAC worker attempted to place the plastic bags filled with contaminated waste into a shielded container. When it wouldn’t fit, “he held his breath, turned his head, pushed the bags into the cavity while puncturing them with a screwdriver”. No standard air samples were taken, and no proper respiratory safety equipment was used. NRC later fined San Onofre $125,000 for lax health physics supervision. Water samples showed that contamination was so high that the release of several gallons of water from this cask could have resulted in billions of dollars in clean up costs.

The very same NAC-1 cask later exceeded its radioactive decay heat temperature limit, had a leaking valve, and had a radioactive “hot spot” that mysteriously moved from one end of the cask to the other after it had been decontaminated several times.

In Feb., 1981 another NAC-1 cask at Oyster Creek was found to have surface contamination, even though it was empty and had not shipped fuel for five months. A layer of heavy paint was applied to hold the contamination in place during the cask’s next journey, to Ohio. However, water soluble paint was used. It began to dissolve during a rain storm in Pennsylvania. The drivers noticed the paint peeling off, but continued on, apparently oblivious that radioactive contaminants were probably falling off onto the highway for hundreds of miles. How much radiation was released will never be known. NAC took 5 days to report the incident to NRC, which then took no action anyway.

High surface contamination incidents continued. Casks arrived at the La Crosse, WI nuclear plant with radiation levels 90 times the legal limit. NRC allowed the casks to be used, merely requiring them to be wrapped in a large plastic bag. Only after the shipments were completed did NRC require the casks to be decontaminated. Unfortunately, the La Crosse management did not warn their workers about the cask, and several were contaminated when they handled it without gloves. The NRC reported that in less than a year, this particular cask had excess surface contamination 7 times, and released some radiation during transit.

NAC also had used faulty casks for more than 5 years, from 1974 to 1979, to ship irradiated fuel more than 300,000 miles. The casks bowed out of shape, a defect that NRC noted could compromise its crashworthiness. However, NAC only reported bowing problems after shipments had been completed. Eventually, 4 of 6 NAC-1’s were pulled from the road due to the bowing problem. The NAC-1 had been regarded as the “workhorse” of irradiated fuel transport in the U.S. before its problems surfaced.

In addition to its “glowing” safety record, the U.S. nuclear industry also speaks proudly of its many decades of experience in transporting “spent” nuclear fuel. However, 2,900 shipments over the past 35 years averages out to just over 80 shipments per year. Most of those involved relatively short transport distances (traversing 3 or fewer states), and took place many years ago. The 1970’s and early to mid 1980’s account for most of the irradiated fuel shipments. From 1988 to 1997, there were only 205 total shipments in the U.S. In 1996 and 1997, there were only a total of 30 shipments. For more than a decade, there has been very little experience accumulated. In the year 2001, a grand total of 3 truck shipments were carried out under the Dept. of Energy. Under the proposed Yucca Mountain scheme, there could be three or more shipments daily for decades into the future. Thus, there have been very limited numbers of shipments, traveling very limited distances, carrying limited amounts of irradiated fuel, over the past two decades. In fact, many of those with the most experience in irradiated fuel shipment within the nuclear industry have already retired.

When confronted about the serious lack of experience in the U.S., the nuclear industry often points to the European and Japanese experience. There have been much larger numbers of irradiated fuel shipments in Western Europe and Japan, because those countries send irradiated fuel to reprocessing facilities. However, Europe has had its own irradiated fuel transport controversies.

The numbers alone show the intensity of the resistance to irradiated fuel shipments to “interim storage” sites in Germany. March, 1997: 6 casks, 173 injured, 500 arrested, 20,000 protestors, 30,000 police, $100 million. March, 1998: 6 casks, scores injured, 1,000 arrested, 7,000 protestors, 30,000 police, $100 million. November, 2001: 6 casks, dozens injured, hundreds arrested, 10,000 protestors, 15,000 police, $25 million. These intense protests have significantly slowed the attempted “interim storage” at Gorleben and Ahaus, Germany. Irradiated fuel shipments between Europe and Japan, some traveling through the Panama Canal, have also been dogged by protests and controversy on a growing scale, including official opposition by Caribbean, South American, and Asian governments along the shipping routes.

From the early 1980’s to the late 1990’s, contamination incidents like those in the U.S. were occurring on irradiated fuel casks being shipped to and from COGEMA’s* La Hague reprocessing plant in France. But this was kept secret from the public by the nuclear industry and government agencies. It took the work of investigative reporters and activists to break the story in 1997. On May 12, 1998 according to Reuters, French officials admitted that contamination from German casks bound for COGEMA had exceeded radiation limits by up to 3,000 times.

When the nuclear industry and government talk about a spotless record of transporting “spent” nuclear fuel, it’s important to look beneath the surface.

 ---Kevin Kamps, revised May 16, 2002 Nuclear Information & Resource Service,]

*COGEMA was later renamed Areva. Areva was later renamed Orano. Orano is a major partner in the ISP CISF scheme.

Please address the subject matter above, re: our many objections to NRC's outrageous conduct of this ISP/WCS CISF public comment proceeding.

And please acknowledge your receipt of these comments, and confirm their inclusion as official public comments in the record of this docket.

Thank you.


Kay Drey, President, Board of Directors, Beyond Nuclear


Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist, Beyond Nuclear


Texas Governor Abbott expresses strong opposition to ISP/WCS CISF, in written DEIScomments to NRC

See the governor's Nov. 3rd letter to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in the form of written comments on the Interim Storage Partners/Waste Control Specialists Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Draft Environmental Impact Statement.


Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter comments WCS/ISP Fwd: Docket NRC-2016-0231

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Subject: Docket NRC-2016-0231
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 17:39:45 -0700
From: John Buchser <>

To Whom it May Concern,

Attached [linked here] are comments of the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club documenting our objection to the proposed approval of the WCS/ISP project.  Also attached [linked here] are comments from Dr. Ballard reflecting the many concerns around transportation of high level waste.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.  We hope you are able to re-open the comment period so in-person meetings can be held along all the proposed transportation routes.

John R. Buchser

Nuclear Waste Issues Chair, Rio Grande Chapter, Sierra Club